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Blaze14 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 08:26:10
Anybody else get SO annoyed when you tell someone you've got/are getting a corn snake and they go "oh my god, what about your hamster/rabbit/tiny dog!!" What about them...? "You can't keep a snake with your poor chihuahua, he'll get eaten, oh poor Rocky that's not fair!"
Well firstly, my corn snakes are going to get nowhere near the size big enough to eat my dog... Secondly, I do not plan on keeping my corn snake and my dog in the same cage. And thirdly... You know nothing about snakes so hush!!
My boyfriend's mum is so irritating with this, EVERY time my snakes come up in conversation she'll shudder really dramatically and go on in this way. "Well you definitely can't ever get a hamster again now!" When she heard we now have two she looked at us disgusted and said she'll have to take the dog with her. For god sake.
It was quite funny though - when we were on holiday she came in to do the cleaning and she could of sworn she heard the snake repeatedly banging its head against the side of the tank to get at her (it was hidden otherwise she wouldn't have gone in) ... Obviously it wasn't my tiny hatchling, it was the bubbles in the fish tank. LOL!
I can understand people are scared of them, but when they become SO ignorant that they refuse to listen to actual logic and stay stubborn enough to decide for themselves that a corn snake hatchling will definitely eat my chihuahua.... I want to shake her lol.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
QueenVic Posted - 29/10/2012 : 14:55:55

(they would be able to smell each other and would get stressed out.)
QueenVic Posted - 29/10/2012 : 14:54:58
yeah i think its generally people who have never seen or held a snake before who make these assumptions that they are evil and dangerous.

ignorance and stupidity go hand in hand :)

And as long as they were kept in separate rooms, i cant see a problem with having mice and hamsters too lol.
(in the same room wouldnt be fair as they would be al
Sta~ple Posted - 28/10/2012 : 16:16:59
I guess because they don't understand they can't make a logical conclusion. WE had a pest control man round forsme sliver fish, the guy saw my snakes and kept asking why I didn't catch the sliver fish and feed it to the snake. He then realved some apartments had mice and then I saw him remove old mice bait and then said now if I get mice, I can feed the snakes with it ._.

I dislike the people who go "they carry disease like salmonella" then you see them share food with their dog, allow dog to lick their face or then kiss their cat and then they seem confused why I then tell them that they are more likely to get salmonella from their fluff ball than I am with my snakes :P

I got asked about how they poo as well, like if their bum hole was right in the middle or if they spray it out from the very tip of their tail and how the manage to poo bones out ._. they were also surprised when I said snakes lay eggs.
Blaze14 Posted - 27/10/2012 : 11:10:11
Oh wow! ...That would be pretty handy.
Charles Posted - 26/10/2012 : 23:39:43
Originally posted by manda88

Originally posted by Isoldael

Originally posted by manda88

Someone I work with asked if my corns lay eggs out of their mouth...kill me.

As stupid as it may sound, I can get why your coworker asked. To people who don't know snakes, it seems as if they have only 3 "holes" - nostrils and the mouth. And I suppose the mouth is the more likely one for laying eggs :p

So true, I've had so many people ask me if and how they poo... I mean come on, common sense here, people!!

That does remind me of eyelash mites. There digestive system is so good they produce no waste and don't have an anus!
manda88 Posted - 26/10/2012 : 09:31:06
Originally posted by Isoldael

Originally posted by manda88

Someone I work with asked if my corns lay eggs out of their mouth...kill me.

As stupid as it may sound, I can get why your coworker asked. To people who don't know snakes, it seems as if they have only 3 "holes" - nostrils and the mouth. And I suppose the mouth is the more likely one for laying eggs :p

So true, I've had so many people ask me if and how they poo... I mean come on, common sense here, people!!
Charles Posted - 25/10/2012 : 22:03:37
At my father's for a few days..My step mother is the kind of person who loves animals - but only when they are cute and fluffy and not eating other animals. She thinks it is not right that I am keeping a snake but finds them so repulsive that she can't tell me why not! My best guess is that she feels I am being negligent leaving her alone. I did think of offering to bring Rosie down next time.
Blaze14 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 21:42:08
Pahahaha love both of those!! Animal stories are the best. And animal people are usually bonkers! Like me :D
lupi lou Posted - 25/10/2012 : 20:38:07
got a horsey one for you, went with a freind to pick up an ex race horse for a girl on our yard, when we get there the horse looked like it was blind in one eye (blue cataract like look to it) so we say to the lady 'is it blind in that eye?', her responce was 'no she can see you when you do this' stuck her hand right up to the horses eye and procided to wave at it!! neary fell on the floor laughing, the horse juststood there compleatly oblivious!
serena_08 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 19:34:50
My dogs have to be separated to be let off the lead for a run (too much excitement lol) so this particular day we have put Seven and Stumpy on the play area (with the black metal fencing) whilst we let moomoo off on the grass. Stumpy then gets very excited, runs toward the grass, jumps into the air! Head straight between the bars in the fence :/ he wiggled free and used the opening like normal folk!
Blaze14 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 17:29:10
Aaaaw, that's a nice story :)
Isoldael Posted - 25/10/2012 : 15:16:42
Originally posted by manda88

Someone I work with asked if my corns lay eggs out of their mouth...kill me.

As stupid as it may sound, I can get why your coworker asked. To people who don't know snakes, it seems as if they have only 3 "holes" - nostrils and the mouth. And I suppose the mouth is the more likely one for laying eggs :p

A neighbour of a few streets away was pretty terrified of snakes. When he heard we had them, he agreed to come take a look at them, but only from the other side of the room with the snakes safely locked away. 15 minutes later he was holding Saphira while she went around his arm like a bracelet. He's now the person who looks after my snakes when I'm on vacation :)
Blaze14 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 15:09:24
Hahaha, doesn't every egg laying creature lay from its mouth though? Brilliant.
It can be about generally stupid people if you want. The other day I was walking a customer's rottie when she calmy plodded over to say hello to another dog. That dog's owner then started screaming at me, picked up her dog, and yelled that mine should be on a lead. I thought that was pretty stupid.
My mum's dog also thought he could run through a wooden bench the other day when chasing his ball. But to be fair, he hasn't had a hair cut in a while, so I'm not actually sure he can see...
manda88 Posted - 25/10/2012 : 12:11:54
D'aww I was hoping this was gonna be about generally stupid people, I LOVE laughing at stupid people, they make me so angry!
Someone I work with asked if my corns lay eggs out of their mouth...kill me.
paulie78 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 19:39:11
Originally posted by Thorne Walker

Originally posted by paulie78

Originally posted by Thorne Walker

Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...

and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.

Isnt he a Die Hard fully paid up Member of the God Sqaud methinks he might have an issue or two handling evil serpents lol


Lol i dont wanna know how you found that but i think theese people are most likely located somewhere deep within the bible belt and probably mostly ignored by regular serpent fearing religious nu..err folk think i saw them on a louis theroux show once everyones entitled to their beliefs for sure but leaving it up to god to prevent me from getting a fatal bite hmmm i think ill pass
Thorne Walker Posted - 24/10/2012 : 19:23:37
Originally posted by paulie78

Originally posted by Thorne Walker

Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...

and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.

Isnt he a Die Hard fully paid up Member of the God Sqaud methinks he might have an issue or two handling evil serpents lol


Blaze14 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 18:13:08
Haha well that is the good point!! "I won't be coming round your house anymore!" Oh no... However shall I cope!
Hahaha "icious man eating spawn of demonic origins" love it, actually laughed out loud.
I'm all too eager to change anybody's minds that I can, and love watching my friends tentatively touch them and progress to holding and conclude with "I want one!". But Sue is generally closed minded and stubborn, and loves to loudly voice her opinion on most things that don't concern her.
And I think I will have to get an extra large snake one day and say I've somehow misplaced the dog?!...
paulie78 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:56:30
Originally posted by Thorne Walker

Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...

and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.

Isnt he a Die Hard fully paid up Member of the God Sqaud methinks he might have an issue or two handling evil serpents lol
ean632 Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:50:33
Well I cant see any issue here!!

Buy a bigger snake and the mother in law will defo stay away, new snake and no mother in law = win win to me :)
Thorne Walker Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:46:28
Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...

and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.

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