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United Kingdom
79 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 08:26:10
Anybody else get SO annoyed when you tell someone you've got/are getting a corn snake and they go "oh my god, what about your hamster/rabbit/tiny dog!!" What about them...? "You can't keep a snake with your poor chihuahua, he'll get eaten, oh poor Rocky that's not fair!" Well firstly, my corn snakes are going to get nowhere near the size big enough to eat my dog... Secondly, I do not plan on keeping my corn snake and my dog in the same cage. And thirdly... You know nothing about snakes so hush!! My boyfriend's mum is so irritating with this, EVERY time my snakes come up in conversation she'll shudder really dramatically and go on in this way. "Well you definitely can't ever get a hamster again now!" When she heard we now have two she looked at us disgusted and said she'll have to take the dog with her. For god sake. It was quite funny though - when we were on holiday she came in to do the cleaning and she could of sworn she heard the snake repeatedly banging its head against the side of the tank to get at her (it was hidden otherwise she wouldn't have gone in) ... Obviously it wasn't my tiny hatchling, it was the bubbles in the fish tank. LOL! I can understand people are scared of them, but when they become SO ignorant that they refuse to listen to actual logic and stay stubborn enough to decide for themselves that a corn snake hatchling will definitely eat my chihuahua.... I want to shake her lol. |
0.1 Amel Corn Snake - Blaze 0.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake - Khaleesi 1.0 Chihuahua - Rocky 0.0.1 Tropical Fish Tank |
828 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 08:59:26
It is fairly amusing... But then you hear horror stories of people killing loose ones because they're "protecting their family" or some other crap.. You don't hear about people killing loose dogs, even though they have and DO kill kids.
I don't think it's always ignorance though, just misinformed. I've been able to change people's perceptions of snakes so much just by showing them exactly how they work, letting them hold them, etc. Showing them they're not slimy is a start :P
People can always overcome fears like this I think... But then there's no changing some people who are just c*cks to begin with! |
Oscar Morrell 0.1.0. Tessera het Caramel Diffused Hypo ph Amel Anery CB'12 "Cassi", 0.1.0. Diffused Powder CB'12 "Ruby" 0.1.0. Normal Stripe, het Hypo, Amel, Lavender CB'11 "Amber", 1.0.0. Lavender Stripe het Diffused Anery Amel Hypo CB'11 "Pluto" 1.0.0. Hypo Opal Ph Stripe CB'12 "Hops", 1.0.0. Caramel Stripe het Amel CB'08 "Jasper", 1.0.0. Opal Stripe het Anery CB'09 "Topaz" 0.1.0. Amel Stripe het Caramel CB'09 "Poppy", 0.1.0. Tessera het Amel Lavender Stripe ph Diffused Hypo Anery CB'12 "Amethyst" |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5853 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 09:06:11
I understand your feelings. It would be interesting watching any cornsnake trying to eat my big dog, he's a bernese mountain dog!! |
Husband....Very Understanding!!! (Phil) Son & Daughter (Kevin & Carol) Granddaughter (Eva) 3.4.0 Cornsnakes Amel (Sidney) Caramel Stripe (Sultan) Amber (Cleo) Carolina (Phoebe) Anery Motley Stripe (Penny) Snow (Lily) Caramel (Holmes) 1.2.0 Royal Pythons(Peeps, Pandora & Pepsi) 1.0.0 Hognose (Hudson) 2.1.0 Dogs (Dillon, Alfie, Ellie) 0.1.0 Senegal Parrot (Peanut) 1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde) 1.0.0 Crested Geckos (Echo) 0.2.1 Hermanns Tortoises (Ebbie, Rosie & Twiglet) 0.1.0 Guinea Pig (Dolly-Pipsqueak) 0.1.9 Tarantulas (Poppy, Gypsy, Bumble, Insey Winsey, Sonic, Cookie, Raven, Fudge, Titch & Sox) ??? Foster animals Location: Near Saffron Walden, Essex
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1245 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 09:27:47
Herriotfan I would sell tickets to watch that lol |
0.0.1 ANERY (Liquorice) 0.0.1 CAROLINA (Bangle) 0.0.1 AMEL (Boozer)
United Kingdom
79 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 09:33:12
Haha wow! Love burnese mountain dogs. Have always been a lover of big dogs, but as we live in a small flat we somehow ended up with a chihuahua! I agree she was misinformed when I first met her, but after countless times of trying desperately to inform her I think we can now call her ignorant. And making herself look quite silly. I agree, I've seen more bad behaviour from dogs and cats, including getting bitten several times (I work with them) than I have ever seen from a snake! Proud of my boyfriend though who wasn't keen on them when we first met, and is showing so much enthusiasm and interest now that I think he's beginning to quite like them! Even got him to hold a very big chunky royal the other day :) that is called learning. |
0.1 Amel Corn Snake - Blaze 0.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake - Khaleesi 1.0 Chihuahua - Rocky 0.0.1 Tropical Fish Tank |
lupi lou
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3670 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 10:52:12
some people you cant seem to convince unfortunatly, My aunty is phobic and she's adament that my boys aren't to help her over come her fear, but she will at least come in the house now so at least she's tolerant! I've managed to change a few peoples opinions and my o/h actually admitted that 8 was cute the other day!! now just need to convince my mum :-) |
1.0.1 Corns 0.1.0 Dog: springer 1.0.0 Horse 0.4.0 Gerbils 2.2.0 Leopard gecko 0.2.0 Cave gecko |
United Kingdom
70 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 13:01:34
i believe some people really do have an irrational fear of snakes just like somepeople cant handle heights. however i have owned my snakes for a few yr now and has been amazing to learn about these animals. i have had the exact same experience as above and sure many snake owners have ( they are horrible/disgusting ) and im like f**k u, i dont come round to your hoose and slag off any of your stuff let alone members of your family, which i class all my pets as.
Anyway rant over lol what i really wanted to say was this approach really worked with my friend with great results. He was scared and never wanted to even see them. he could not understand why i would want to keep them instead of say fish!!! before i know it i had talked to him about what they are like and i guess educated him a little. i also surprised my self about how much i had learned over the last few yr. he left that nite and i never thought much about it apart from i had prob borded him.
Next nite i get home from work when bill chaps on the door. i was a bit surprised to see him again but even more surprised when he said he remembered it was feeding day and would like to watch. jock stepped up and put on a good show for him at dinner time and then showed him one of jocks hatchling eating. he was fasanated and i new at that point hooked!!
so i guess a lots of people have fears, ignorance simple because they dont know or experienced. so to end on a good note i had to laugh when it got back to me bill wouldnt shut up about feeding time and how it like having the discovery channel in your house. could not agree more, snakes have improved my life :)
Euan 1.1.0. normal stripped, normal corn 0.1.0 e.s.s |
United Kingdom
222 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 13:37:54
I had the same sort of reaction from the wife when I surprised her and bought my first corn a few weeks ago, over exaggerated shiver and got they make me feel sick, all that sort of stuff. Then yesterday while I was having a shower I came down stairs to see the misses looking in the top of the viv talking to pebble as she was along the front of the glass stretched out, I said what are you doing she said very cute really isn't it omg lol
BUT I do understand people have fears of lots of aminals and things they don't understand you wouldn't catch me keeping spiders as a pet f***k me NO lol
0.0.1 Corn (Pebble) 0.0.1 Corn (Pecan) 0.0.1 Corn (Peaches) 1.0.0 Corn/Rat (Paco) 0.1.0 BCI (Penny) 0.0.1 Normal royal (Reagan) 1.0.0 Crested Gecko (Gizmo) 0.1.0 Westie - (scooby)
United Kingdom
79 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 13:52:36
Haha aaaawh love your wife's reaction jayclk! Yes I understand its a phobia but it more irritates me how she thinks I'm cruel for having snakes around my chihuahua when they "could eat him". And telling me I'm now not allowed any rodents as pets ever again as if I'm a child, and as if I'm going to be stupid enough to let them all have free range of the house together! I've tried to educate her many times but I think she's just one of those people where I'm going to have to roll my eyes and count to 10! Many of my friends come over who are affraid of them, and they'll just ask me not to get them out whilst they're around, which I respect. They still asks questions about them and are willing to learn. My boyfriend's mum is just down right rude sometimes! She doesn't respect that they are my babies. I'm terrified of tarantulas but I won't judge somebody else for keeping them, and go on and on about how wrong it is. If my boyfriend woke up one day and wanted one, that would be fine, he'd just have to keep it well out the way of me! Lol |
0.1 Amel Corn Snake - Blaze 0.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake - Khaleesi 1.0 Chihuahua - Rocky 0.0.1 Tropical Fish Tank |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2382 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 14:04:14
I had a stupi person the other day. It was an owner of a reptile tore. And he said that corn snakes are from the jungle and are completely arboreal! I promptly left. |
1.0 western hognose (hero) 1.0 phantom reverse pin dal brindle crested gecko (goyle) 0.2 red dal red harly (sprite) 99% full pin Harley crested gecko (TuLong) 0.0.3 miomantis paykullii 0.0.3 Bombina orientalis (oriental fire bellied toad) 0.3 fancy mice (snap, crackle and pop) 1.0 yorkshire terrier (jasper) 2.1 cats (echo, shadow and pokey) |
United Kingdom
639 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 14:11:01
Unfortunately that's part of being interested in snakes... people still seem to think that they are inherently evil (probably built up through generations of bible-reading, and such like)... Even the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick supposedly drove all of the snakes out of Ireland (and provided excuses for people to be riotously drunk and annoying on one particular day of the year.
At the end of the day, you can't force people to change their views, no one thinks that another persons opinion is more valid than their own and so the only thing that will change ones opinion is experience, and most people won't experience snakes enough to form a higher opinion of them.. |
United Kingdom
79 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 14:56:43
Oh dear god, from the owner of a reptile store?! That's awful!! Yes it is a sad part of owning snakes, all the other parts make up for it though :) Its also the reason why I get put off owning certain breeds of dog. People's prejudice against rotties/staffies/mastiffs would just drive me up the wall! At least you don't have to take your snakes for walkies and get it from all angles. |
0.1 Amel Corn Snake - Blaze 0.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake - Khaleesi 1.0 Chihuahua - Rocky 0.0.1 Tropical Fish Tank |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2331 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 14:58:04
The thing that gets me is as if theres some law against keeping fluffy pets just because you have snakes lol i say ive got snakes and people are like erm but dont you have cats and chinchillas and birds ..erm yes i do what difference does it make ? |
6.8.0 Corn Snakes 1.1.0 Royal 0.2.0 Chinchillas 1.1.0 Cats 1.1.0 Birds 0.0.2 Fishtanks 0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
Auld Baldy
Ikea's Pimp
United Kingdom
1619 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 15:26:11
I can accept peoples phobias but not their ignorance. Too many folk believe Hollywood 'facts' such as Snakes on a Plane, Anaconda, Jaws etc..
When folk step back in horror when they hear I have snakes, I always offer a chance to at least come and simply see my lot safely in their vivs then show them shed skins. Next stage is to let them stroke the smallest Corn and laugh as the expression change from apprehension to wide eyed amazement that it isn't slimy. Last step is to let them be a hero and take the beast at arms length and actually hold it themselves. Young kids are my best 'patients'. They are the least apprehensive and most trusting. I've had 4 year olds work up from stroking the smallest Corn up to asking to have a shot of Vambo, my 6' Carpet Python. The eyes like saucers, monster grin and the chuckles of delight as he goes exploring up one sleeve and down the other is a joy. Even a mis-timed visit coinciding with an unexpected poop on the couch has them rolling.
It comes down to education as young as possible to prevent 'catching' the parents' phobias. I often give them a clean shed skin to take into school and e-mail photos of them to back up their tall tales to horrified grand-parents and class mates. |
1.0.0: Miami Normal: Taggart 0.0.1: Carolina Normal: Wee Woody 0.0.1: Grey Rat Snake: Mirkey 0.0.1: Amel Corn: Blaze 1.0.0: Carpet Python: Vambo 0.0.1: MBK: Fester 0.0.1: Florida King Snake : Rattler (Rattle & Hum) 0.0.1. California King Snake: El Diablo Diego 0.2.0 Tarantulas : Ermintrude & Euphemia. |
United Kingdom
60 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:19:27
I went through all of thispoopto and I heard all those stories about sizing u up etc. mind you in people's defence, they can't know everything I suppose and it's human nature to hear only what u want to if your a closed minded person. Hope you enjoy your new snake :) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2331 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:42:29
Have to say in defence of a handfull of said "Stupid People" many have accepted my invite to come and meet my my vicious man eating spawn of demonic origins and actually found them to be lovely creatures whom theyve totally misunderstood and seem to visit me more often now cause they want to see them not sure thats nessacerily a good thing i kinda like my privacy hah |
6.8.0 Corn Snakes 1.1.0 Royal 0.2.0 Chinchillas 1.1.0 Cats 1.1.0 Birds 0.0.2 Fishtanks 0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
Thorne Walker
642 Posts |
United Kingdom
142 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:50:33
Well I cant see any issue here!!
Buy a bigger snake and the mother in law will defo stay away, new snake and no mother in law = win win to me :) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2331 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 17:56:30
quote: Originally posted by Thorne Walker
Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...
and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.
Isnt he a Die Hard fully paid up Member of the God Sqaud methinks he might have an issue or two handling evil serpents lol |
6.8.0 Corn Snakes 1.1.0 Royal 0.2.0 Chinchillas 1.1.0 Cats 1.1.0 Birds 0.0.2 Fishtanks 0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
Edited by - paulie78 on 24/10/2012 17:56:46 |
United Kingdom
79 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 18:13:08
Haha well that is the good point!! "I won't be coming round your house anymore!" Oh no... However shall I cope! Hahaha "icious man eating spawn of demonic origins" love it, actually laughed out loud. I'm all too eager to change anybody's minds that I can, and love watching my friends tentatively touch them and progress to holding and conclude with "I want one!". But Sue is generally closed minded and stubborn, and loves to loudly voice her opinion on most things that don't concern her. And I think I will have to get an extra large snake one day and say I've somehow misplaced the dog?!... |
0.1 Amel Corn Snake - Blaze 0.1 Butter Motley Corn Snake - Khaleesi 1.0 Chihuahua - Rocky 0.0.1 Tropical Fish Tank |
Thorne Walker
642 Posts |
Posted - 24/10/2012 : 19:23:37
quote: Originally posted by paulie78
quote: Originally posted by Thorne Walker
Bah.. I wish my boys would get big enough to discourage the cats... I'm forever trying to keep them from tapping on the glass or sitting on my vivs...
and I really hate to say it... (really really!) we need to get a snake in to J Beiber's hands... I'm sure it'd change a few attitudes.
Isnt he a Die Hard fully paid up Member of the God Sqaud methinks he might have an issue or two handling evil serpents lol
1.0.0 CB'11 Volcano Corn 'Kitty' 0.0.1 CB'11 Russian Rat Snake 'Monster' 2.0.0 CB'04 Roof Rabbits 'Baka Neko-San' and 'Usagi Neko-San'
My Setup : The Kids: |
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