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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Simmy_82 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 13:18:51
I know were arent allowed to name and shame them. Is there a way to report them? If so who should i report it to?

A shop i've been too recently has a reptile section. The young corns look a little jaded. A few are miss labelled (morph wise and some i've not heard of). One is even labelled as a Banded Californian Corn Snake... Its clearly a King Snake...

The other reptiles in the shop look well looked after (Beardies and Chamelons), its just the corns that dont look all too clever. Not compared to where i bought mine from...
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
eeji Posted - 03/11/2011 : 19:08:36
your local council licensing department are the people that have the powers to pull the plug on them, but this is only likely in really serious cases of neglect.
Thante Posted - 03/11/2011 : 16:49:15
When i first got Cherry,( although i had done research obviously) i didn't know a massive amount about corn, i didn't know how different they looked as hatchings with there colour changing. I was tricked into paying about £70 for a carolina which was labelled as Okeetee, and was labelled male instead of female. She was also very ill about 4 month after i got her and when i rang the shop to get advice on what to do there exact words where "I dunno, you bought it, its your problem not ours" !!!!!
I have made official complaints to the complex the shop is part of but obviously nothing has been done.

But like with the shop you visited, every other animal in that place is well looked after and correctly named/priced. There even part of a big scheme that is breeding in reintroducing birds of pray to the wild. But when it comes to snake they make me so angry i have't been able to go back to the place.
Red123 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 13:38:23
There is shop close to where I live and the same happens there. All other reps looked well but the hatchling corns had stuck shed and looked generally in poor health. I have contacted the store and they don't see anything wrong with the corns, as far as they are concerned corns are a hardy species so in their eyes they will be fine. I would have bought them all but I know that would just encourage them to obtain more and treat them the same and at £79.99 for a normal corn I just can't afford to :(

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