T O P I C R E V I E W |
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Posted - 02/06/2011 : 11:35:38 It's been 11 days and my bite is still sore 
Dunno what's going on but each teeth mark is swollen up, burning and itchy and very sensetive to touch.
Is this normal with snake bites? This was the bite from Steve the king, he didn't just bite, he latched on for 5 mins and chewed lol

20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 21:09:13 I think you are thinking abut the bite therefore it stings/hurts as does everything when you think about it. I've had a corn latch on for 10 mins and a king bite, stung but only when I remebered about it lol. |
Invalid User |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 15:17:53 quote: Originally posted by Sammysnake
Have a look at my thread from when I was bitten by Saracen. Page two shows the bite two weeks later.
For me the bite would die down and then get itchy and flare up again for about six or seven weeks afterwards. I used Sudocreme on it to ease the itching/soreness and eventually it went away. I guess we must both be a little bit allergic. It appears to be a pretty rare reaction though as despite lots of searching, you're the only other person I've found who's reacted like this. We should start our own club .
Very interesting! How strange. Well it's getting better now but it's really odd, if I touch or press on it, it starts to burn and tingle! The swelling and bumps are going down now and do look better but it's still very much there.
I'm pretty sure he will get me again at some point so it will be interesting to see if I have the same reaction.
This is it today.

Sammysnake |
Posted - 05/06/2011 : 14:36:59 Have a look at my thread from when I was bitten by Saracen. Page two shows the bite two weeks later.
For me the bite would die down and then get itchy and flare up again for about six or seven weeks afterwards. I used Sudocreme on it to ease the itching/soreness and eventually it went away. I guess we must both be a little bit allergic. It appears to be a pretty rare reaction though as despite lots of searching, you're the only other person I've found who's reacted like this. We should start our own club . |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 18:15:41 i lost my bite virginity a long time ago lol, and lost my poop virginity alot longer before that :D |
Invalid User |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 17:35:57 The bite club is cool! I'm glad I got bitten, even if it's been a bit of an irritation!
I tried squeezing it all and nothing else is comming out so am just using Germolene now and it should heal up ready for the next time he bites me. It's not if, it's when!! |
ptmbradley |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 17:24:40 I don't really wanna join the bite club either, but I think you have to in order to earn your graduation don't you? 
And I joined the poop club last weekend after the baron - my rainbow boa - let go all over my fingers! Eeeewwwww!!!! lol
Hope you heal soon Lou. That does look a bit nasty! |
scottishbluebird |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 17:17:34 If you think there might be a bit sill in, maybe should see doc, might be able to flush it out? SOOOOOOOOOOO hoping i dont join the bite or pooped on club! |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 12:03:13 hope you feel better soon, steve will want you fit and healthy before he bites again, cant have infected blood  never knew a snake could loose a tooth like that, you learn something new everyday   |
Invalid User |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 11:55:53 lol nah it was tiny, infact not sure if it all came out, my hands still not right... :( |
Mort13 |
Posted - 04/06/2011 : 09:37:05 Heh,heh have you kept it as a memento?! Hows the hand now? |
scottishbluebird |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 18:15:16 Well i dont think many people have a tooth from their snake! i still have a puppy teeth in a drawer (but dont think i want them embeded in my skin though lol) |
Invalid User |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 16:58:58 quote: Originally posted by mikerichards
quote: Originally posted by **Louise**
quote: Originally posted by mikerichards
does sound like there may be a little infection, its probably a good idea just to stick some antibac cream or something on there, its also worth having a check to see if there might be a couple of teeth in there too, squeeze it like a spot, you may find a tooth pops out! that was the only reason i had a bite not heal properly, i ended up pulling 4 teeth from my finger!
Funny you should say that! One of the spot type bite marks came to a head last night so I squeezed it and guess what I squeezed out? A tiny tooth 
Steve seems fine and has eaten since the savage attack so the tooth loss can't have had any effect on him. Not sure if I have anymore still stuck in me, time will tell 
He still keeps attacking me too so I guess he likes my flavour 
See, i am not just a pretty face!! 
Nope, your also the 'pretty face' that sold me the savage killer king  |
mikerichards |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 16:48:13 quote: Originally posted by **Louise**
quote: Originally posted by mikerichards
does sound like there may be a little infection, its probably a good idea just to stick some antibac cream or something on there, its also worth having a check to see if there might be a couple of teeth in there too, squeeze it like a spot, you may find a tooth pops out! that was the only reason i had a bite not heal properly, i ended up pulling 4 teeth from my finger!
Funny you should say that! One of the spot type bite marks came to a head last night so I squeezed it and guess what I squeezed out? A tiny tooth 
Steve seems fine and has eaten since the savage attack so the tooth loss can't have had any effect on him. Not sure if I have anymore still stuck in me, time will tell 
He still keeps attacking me too so I guess he likes my flavour 
See, i am not just a pretty face!!  |
Invalid User |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 16:09:47 lol 
I just keep thinking, thank godness he didn't get me on the nose...  |
scubadude |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 15:50:23 savage little bugger, steve I mean you're gonna be scared for life Lou, but don't worry, you can re-enact the scene from Jaws.. 'you wanna see a scar?.. that was a 2.5ft king snake..'  |
Invalid User |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 12:00:23 quote: Originally posted by mikerichards
does sound like there may be a little infection, its probably a good idea just to stick some antibac cream or something on there, its also worth having a check to see if there might be a couple of teeth in there too, squeeze it like a spot, you may find a tooth pops out! that was the only reason i had a bite not heal properly, i ended up pulling 4 teeth from my finger!
Funny you should say that! One of the spot type bite marks came to a head last night so I squeezed it and guess what I squeezed out? A tiny tooth 
Steve seems fine and has eaten since the savage attack so the tooth loss can't have had any effect on him. Not sure if I have anymore still stuck in me, time will tell 
He still keeps attacking me too so I guess he likes my flavour  |
mikerichards |
Posted - 03/06/2011 : 08:32:01 does sound like there may be a little infection, its probably a good idea just to stick some antibac cream or something on there, its also worth having a check to see if there might be a couple of teeth in there too, squeeze it like a spot, you may find a tooth pops out! that was the only reason i had a bite not heal properly, i ended up pulling 4 teeth from my finger! |
lotabob |
Posted - 02/06/2011 : 18:51:37 Just good practice for when your hoggie gets you. |
grantcia |
Posted - 02/06/2011 : 18:27:12 sound to me it you have a infection. it should of stopped hurting buy now, try some ibuprofen as it has a anti inflammatory in and will help. |
scottishbluebird |
Posted - 02/06/2011 : 17:47:09 Ouch!i'd rather get bit by my ferret! (who never bites!) |