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 Scare and a half. Airhole warning.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lotabob Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:01:42
Today I had both snakes out in temporary rubs while I fitted some new heat mats as its been ridiculously cold this winter and the heat mat I had already was too big, so they were in their rubs I look accross to check on them and I see Spots head and half of his body poking through one of the tiny air holes in the lid (and I do mean tiny 6mm diameter). Now Spot is still small but he is no where near as small as a hatchling anymore and he had managed to push his head through the hole and then got stuck about 3 inches down his body. He wasn't panicking I just lifted off the lid, supported him on both sides and very gently had to persuade him to back up. He got stuck again at the head but he did eventually manage to squeeze it back through. I then gave him a very thorough check over which he took quite well considering that I had to restrain him.

For anyone who has used a hot screwdriver to poke holes in their RUB's or evivalent be very aware they are masters of the small gaps. I was very shocked and it took less than 10 minutes for Spot to get into a right pickle, I have no idea how I would have freed him if he hadn't been able to free himself. I never thought for a second he'd be able to squeeze his head through a 6mm diameter hole but he did, that lid is going in the bin and a new one will be bought tomorrow, not going through that again.
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Invalid User Posted - 21/01/2011 : 22:52:58
Poor spot. Glad he's ok.

I made my rub air holes with a very small screwdriver but they are tiny and no way Nimbus or Marv could fit through.

lucyloop Posted - 21/01/2011 : 22:20:04
How stressful, especially the distorted head bit. Glad he is ok though and he wasn't lost or hurt.
lotabob Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:56:07
Oh god, thats a nightmare. Even more of a reason for everyone to keep air holes really really small.
vetdebbie Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:50:59
I know the feeling! We're hanging on to a (relatively expensive) mandarina rat snake for a friend. She's been here longer than originally planned so we moved her to a bigger tub. 20 minutes after putting her in it and taping it shut (turns out they are as bad as corns for escaping), Ads wandered into the snake room to find her about 6 inches out of the airhole - and really really stuck!!! We had to saw her out in the end :S
lotabob Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:40:00
He's 2 foot long and 6 months old, after the initial shock I was amazed that he had managed to get so far through such a small gap. Whether he would have been able to make good his escape I'm not sure but I have a sneaking suspicion he would have had I not noticed him. I'm just glad I took so much time making sure there was no scratchy bits in any of the holes and came out the other side of the ordeal without a scratch. Was awful watching him pulling his head back through his mouth came open and distorted, not a pleasant thing to see. Just glad the royal is too fat to fit through toilet roll tubes so he would struggle to escape his temporary box and Spot will be getting a new one tomorrow
razza Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:33:32
oh my god... i knew they could fit though small gaps but that is insane, lucky that you spotted it before he got out.
Newbie Posted - 21/01/2011 : 21:30:39
Awww poor Spot! At least he was tolerant of you checking him over! Definately a warning I'll be taking heed of! Glad he's ok x

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