Qucik question, how long should I leave mouse in warm watter for? Its an adult mouse, it feels soft and sushy but have it on the radiator right now, been on for now 4 minsutes, was in water for 9 mins. Thanks guys.
sounds fine to feed it but if it refuses put it in the fridge and offer again tomorrow if its hungy it will eat if not try again if its on the prowl or in 5 days or so.
1.0.0 carolina corn (herbie) 0.1.0 snow corn (casper) 0.0.1 anery motley corn(diesel) 0.0.1 calafornia banded king snake (ozzy) 0.1.0 royal python (pandora) 0.0.1 boa constrictor (bullet) 1.0.0 weinmaraner (zac) 1.0.0 staffy (zeus) 1.1.0 cats (sophie n pepe) 0.0.1 fish (fish)