name says it all really. my gecko won't eat. her tail is shrunk and her eyes a squited.
anyone got advise?
Get her to a rep vet asap. Is she drinking? What are the hot/cold temps and humidity? What is the capital city of Argentina? What suppliments are you giving her and how often?
I would get it too the rep vet for the weight loss and get a fecal done to check for parasites. Possible explanation for the weight loss. They can, however, go a couple of weeks or so without you seeing them eat whilst they settle in. How bad is the weight loss from the tail? Do you have a before and after pic that you can email me or post on here? Also, what substrate are you keeping her on?
You need to get some Nutribol online or from your local rep store and dust her food once or twice a week. She needs it because she must have the vitamin (the number of which has slipped my mind) which enables her to use the calcium in her diet to grow healthy strong bones. It's the vitamin that her body would produce in natural sunlight. Without it she will develop Metabolic bone disease.
Get her to a rep vet as soon as possible. IMO that is a lot of weight loss for a youngster. If the vet frightens you with their price for a fecal, google "Pinmoore labs". They do complete one by post for thirty odd pounds but you will still need to book a consult with your rep vet to sort out treatment once you get the results.
Please buy some Nutribol asap. I can't emphasize enough on here how important it is that you start giving her that once/twice a week. If you want to add me on messenger my addy is on the bar above all of my posts. I'm more than happy to help if you've ever got any questions.