My tessera's first clutch ever and she produced 21 fertile eggs! Blimey, I thought that was a lot for a fairly small snake! Well they've been cooking for 87 days (yes, 87! I almost gave up hope as other clutches incubated at this temp have only taken 65 days max!).
There were 5 eggs that just became massive, ridiculously big compared to the others which were larger than I've seen before anyway. One of these massive eggs has pipped and hatched twins! Two small but beautiful tesseras with perfect stripes! I hope they survive, they're quite small. Pics to come later when I'm not attempting to use photobucket on my mobile.
Had anyone else had twins before? Did they live? Anybody think all my giant eggs could be twin pairs?
Weirdly out of 7 eggs hatched so far, (8 babies) ALL males. All single hatchlings so far are huge even compared to my 2week olds that have eaten twice!