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United Kingdom
494 Posts

Posted - 30/05/2015 :  21:38:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Made the decision to let Cola go to a better home. She wasnt getting the right amount of time spent on her as she needed and the kids had lost interest in her as we got a puppy which in their eyes is more fun. So think I made the right decision. Although it was harder to let her go than I thought and didnt think I would be so wound up about it. Who'd have thought you would get so attached to a snake! Well its time to sign out for the last time soon thanks for all your help and support over the years guys. See you all.

Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
2525 Posts

Posted - 31/05/2015 :  10:34:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Was sad to read your post, but you did the right think for Cola. Bet you were more upset than the kids...and, you never know, might see you round in couple of years time :-)

0.1.0 late CB10 Carolina corn snake - Bazilishka
1.0.0 CB11 Abbots Okeetee- Little Twiddler
1.0.0 CB11 Hypo corn- Sebastianek
1.0.0. CB14 Butter Motley - Squidwood
0.0.2 CB18 normal/ Okeetee yearlings Bunny and Lalalishka
0.0.1 hognose
0.1.0 stable cat
0.1.0 house cat
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it is all my fault

United Kingdom
8403 Posts

Posted - 31/05/2015 :  16:38:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thats a shame, but as was said you did the right thing

0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs
1.0.0 Hognose - Storm
0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla
1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro
1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P
0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5853 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2015 :  08:59:23  Show Profile  Click to see herriotfan's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Sad to read you post but I'm sure you did the right thing for you in the circumstances.
All the best x

Husband....Very Understanding!!! (Phil)
Son & Daughter (Kevin & Carol)
Granddaughter (Eva)
3.4.0 Cornsnakes Amel (Sidney) Caramel Stripe (Sultan) Amber (Cleo) Carolina (Phoebe) Anery Motley Stripe (Penny) Snow (Lily) Caramel (Holmes)
1.2.0 Royal Pythons(Peeps, Pandora & Pepsi)
1.0.0 Hognose (Hudson)
2.1.0 Dogs (Dillon, Alfie, Ellie)
0.1.0 Senegal Parrot (Peanut)
1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde)
1.0.0 Crested Geckos (Echo)
0.2.1 Hermanns Tortoises (Ebbie, Rosie & Twiglet)
0.1.0 Guinea Pig (Dolly-Pipsqueak)
0.1.9 Tarantulas (Poppy, Gypsy, Bumble, Insey Winsey, Sonic, Cookie, Raven, Fudge, Titch & Sox)
??? Foster animals
Location: Near Saffron Walden, Essex
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2015 :  10:42:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to find Cola a new home and that we are losing you. I do understand the issue of kids losing interest. That's what happened with my first snake which was got for my son. It wasn't long before I realised I was the only one interested in him so he became mine. Have you managed to find somewhere for Cola to go?

I do hope you'll look in now and again. You may not have a corn anymore but your input will be missed.


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