Well sat there last night with the family ams my little girl commented on dave being out so went over as you do to say hi he just looked at me. Went back not half an hour later and there he is brand new skin. Managed to shed with us in the room and no one noticed
Sound familiar, they are very good at that. You could watch and wait all afternoon, pop in the kitchen to make a cup of tea, come back - aaaand they've shed...
Yep sneaky devils Boris did it last night, I'd been looking into the viv all evening and decided to have a bath....by the time I had come out of the bath there was a fresh skin at the back of the viv!
1.0.0 CB 12 Amel Motley- Boris
0.2.0 cats Grizabella and Jennyanydots
Foster cat: Jasper who has a healing broken pelvis
So far Leo ahs shed twice and waited until I was in bed... I think. He's been moved to the living room so I get more chance to catch him doing his normal thing - hopefully at some point that'll include him shedding ;)