My Pokie Metallica sling escaped tonight while I was grinding up some substrate for her. And wasn't she a quick one for a little one! She was up my arm so darned quick! But I was able to catch her with my free hand and gently get her into her new improved home. Hopefully I won't have to go through that again for a while! She gave me a fright! I was scared of losing her.
It is! I was terrified of losing her, she's so small she wouldn't survive. But luckily I didn't panic (much) and she allowed me to gently scoop her up. Funny though, a year ago I would've been freaked out by a spider of any size running up my arm!
Learn from this mistake lol as you DO NOT want this happening once the pokie is older as pokie's have potent venom and would put you in a world of pain.
Learn from this mistake lol as you DO NOT want this happening once the pokie is older as pokie's have potent venom and would put you in a world of pain.
Oh I know! I've been really careful to make sure that she's not able to get out. But you're right, I definitely do NOT want her breaking loose as an adult!
Lucky you. Have you seen 8 legged freaks? And arachnophobia? That would have been your house in a few years. Spider escapes grows big under your floor boards. Gets jiggy with a house spider. Then before you know it you are on one of those bitten/hospital/infested national geographic channel documentaries telling us all how you where overrun with spiders and they ate your big toe while you where asleep. lol.