828 Posts |
Posted - 14/12/2013 : 12:10:27
I've been really busy at work recently, so haven't had time to update the available hatchlings, but I only have 1.1 Ambers 66% het Lavender Diffused Amel, and 0.2 Hypo Butters 66% het Lavender Diffused left.
Moving house again (hopefully for the last time!) in a month, so will listen to sensible offers to ensure they have found new homes by then. For sale individually or as groups, asking £25 for Ambers, £35 for Hypo Butters. Any questions please ask :) Based in South London.


Oscar Morrell 0.1.0. Tessera het Caramel Diffused Hypo ph Amel Anery CB'12 "Cassi", 0.1.0. Diffused Powder CB'12 "Ruby" 0.1.0. Normal Stripe, het Hypo, Amel, Lavender CB'11 "Amber", 1.0.0. Lavender Stripe het Diffused Anery Amel Hypo CB'11 "Pluto" 1.0.0. Hypo Opal Ph Stripe CB'12 "Hops", 1.0.0. Caramel Stripe het Amel CB'08 "Jasper", 1.0.0. Opal Stripe het Anery CB'09 "Topaz" 0.1.0. Amel Stripe het Caramel CB'09 "Poppy", 0.1.0. Tessera het Amel Lavender Stripe ph Diffused Hypo Anery CB'12 "Amethyst" |