Feeding day again, I really noticed the contrast between Boris's bright orange and the almost pure white of his belly so tried to get some better photos but I'm no photographer and I was using my phones camera but I liked these ones of him :-) the third photo in particular seemed to show the contrast very well.
He struck again at a white mouse (it went a bit bloody as he was coiling- poor old little white mouse)
1.0.0 CB 12 Amel Motley- Boris
0.2.0 cats Grizabella and Jennyanydots
Foster cat: Jasper who has a healing broken pelvis
You're right about the contrast, it's stunning . I've got it with Asher but being a ghost motley it's not as brilliant a contrast as with Boris. Great coil as well .
Gorgeous - how old is he? Just wondering because Ember's tum (stripe) started out white but has now almost totally turned pale orange, she's 2 in a couple of weeks. It doesn't look like Boris's will change though, it's so lovely and clean and bright!