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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 25/11/2013 :  16:58:11  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
So Pandora and Vladimir are growing well, I had a worrying moment on Friday when they both had their first fuzzies.
They both managed with no problems at all

The reason for them having the fuzzies on Friday not Sunday like they should is because pinkies really weren't filling them up enough any more and so by Friday they were both taking keen interest in fingers... Lol!
The reason for delay in getting fuzzies down them(apart from my own worrying!) was that I couldn't find any where that sold fuzzies small enough lol. I have 4 large fuzzies/hoppers in my freezer from my friend who breeds mice but I kept measuring them next to Pandora(the smallest of the two) and they are really large compared to her. So I went and bought four smaller fuzzies and they managed them no problems so I know what I'll be doing until they can fit the ones in my freezer down lol.

Anyway, here's some photo's of them both from yesterday when I did their waters.

Here's Pandora's faun now.

Her tunnel into her plant pot hide

Little Missus lol.

Vladimir's faun now.

Little Mister, he wasn't coming out to play lol.

They are both changing lol. Vladimir is starting to get more and more caramel tones on him and Pandora is getting more and more red

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.


United Kingdom
553 Posts

Posted - 25/11/2013 :  17:52:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great pics!

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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
2525 Posts

Posted - 25/11/2013 :  20:37:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice pics,they'll make a lovely pair ...and congrats on successful fuzzy feed :-)

0.1.0 late CB10 Carolina corn snake - Bazilishka
1.0.0 CB11 Abbots Okeetee- Little Twiddler
1.0.0 CB11 Hypo corn- Sebastianek
1.0.0. CB14 Butter Motley - Squidwood
0.0.2 CB18 normal/ Okeetee yearlings Bunny and Lalalishka
0.0.1 hognose
0.1.0 stable cat
0.1.0 house cat
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 25/11/2013 :  21:23:09  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Thanks both of you

Razee I was panicking so much! It's unbelievable! I always thought "I'll not be one of those that worries because I know full well they can handle food bigger than we think..." but I was on edge watching them shovel the fuzzies down wondering if they were OK! Lol!

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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it is all my fault

United Kingdom
8403 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  00:58:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great pics, love the reflection

0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs
1.0.0 Hognose - Storm
0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla
1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro
1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P
0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  01:34:17  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Great pics, love the reflection

Haha, thanks I thought she was perfectly positioned for that photo.

Loving these babies so much
Thanking Oscar so much too!! And holding up my end of the deal and updating where I can both on here and my Facebook page

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  08:48:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They are both such stunning looking snakes . I'm so glad you made that deal with Oscar, because it means we get to watch them grow too .

Loving the reflection pic of Pandora and she's such a little thing in your hand. Trust Vladimir not to want to come out and show off like Pandora .

Well done with both of them taking their first fuzzies. I worked out a way of how to get over the problem of buying too big a size with my fussy eater. I weigh the rat fluffs she gets and then rang P@H asking for a particular weight, slowly increasing it over time as she was able to take bigger sizes. Maybe that's worth a try.


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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  14:03:51  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kellog

They are both such stunning looking snakes . I'm so glad you made that deal with Oscar, because it means we get to watch them grow too .

Loving the reflection pic of Pandora and she's such a little thing in your hand. Trust Vladimir not to want to come out and show off like Pandora .

Well done with both of them taking their first fuzzies. I worked out a way of how to get over the problem of buying too big a size with my fussy eater. I weigh the rat fluffs she gets and then rang P@H asking for a particular weight, slowly increasing it over time as she was able to take bigger sizes. Maybe that's worth a try.


Thanks Kellog
She's still smaller than her brother but I think that's because she's more active and comes out to roam her faun less than a day after eating lol. Vladimir hides away most of the time. He comes out occasionally to say hi but most of the time he's gone for the world lol.

I did weigh the fuzzies that they took and I think I will gradually increase the size from that weight from now on.

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  14:25:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Looking great Acidic :D

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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  17:05:04  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Thanks SB

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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828 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  17:51:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
They're looking great :) So glad they're with a great owner. And it's lovely to be able to see them! They're doing really well, can't wait to see them grow :)

Oscar Morrell
0.1.0. Tessera het Caramel Diffused Hypo ph Amel Anery CB'12 "Cassi", 0.1.0. Diffused Powder CB'12 "Ruby"
0.1.0. Normal Stripe, het Hypo, Amel, Lavender CB'11 "Amber", 1.0.0. Lavender Stripe het Diffused Anery Amel Hypo CB'11 "Pluto"
1.0.0. Hypo Opal Ph Stripe CB'12 "Hops", 1.0.0. Caramel Stripe het Amel CB'08 "Jasper", 1.0.0. Opal Stripe het Anery CB'09 "Topaz"
0.1.0. Amel Stripe het Caramel CB'09 "Poppy", 0.1.0. Tessera het Amel Lavender Stripe ph Diffused Hypo Anery CB'12 "Amethyst"
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 26/11/2013 :  19:28:28  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by oakleyman18

They're looking great :) So glad they're with a great owner. And it's lovely to be able to see them! They're doing really well, can't wait to see them grow :)


Lol, they are growing so quickly it's amazing.

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
3315 Posts

Posted - 27/11/2013 :  22:32:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice photos. I love the tunnel Pandora has made

2.4.0 Corn snakes
1.0.0 horse
0.1.0 Golden retriever
1.4.0 Guinea pigs
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1212 Posts

Posted - 28/11/2013 :  00:38:35  Show Profile  Click to see AcidicAngel's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
She has piled her aspen up now and tunneled into it properly haha!

Corn Snakes.
1.0 Butter - Cereus.
1.0 Caramel Stripe het Amel - Vladimir.
0.1 Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo - Amara.
0.1 Masque het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, Lavender, Stripe - Aurelia.
1.0 Masque Anery het Amel, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo, lavender, Stripe - Orion.
Leopard Gecko's.
Too many to list!!
Rat Snake.
1.0 Yellow Rat Snake - Leviathan(Levi)
Western Hognoses
1.0 Normal 50% poss het Frosted(Dutch Hypo, Caramel) - Thorne.
0.1 Frosted - Rose.
1.0 Anaconda het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Titan.
0.1 Normal het Snow(Amel, Anery) - Nyx.
R.I.P Pandora & Sakana, entwined in my heart forever my darlings.
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