well as it seems to be the week of Yellow snakey's-the lovely Sunny decided to shed especially for our enjoyment(and because she'd gon dun that growin fing)
see? Yellow....mmmm
Heads or tails?
this bits Yellow too-with golden eyes....
wee bit bored of all this posing business...
Yes even the reflection is Yellowy....righto enough of this,off to find the floor!
Thats our girl Sunny.She has a meet and greet in school next week along with Georgey Boy,Gertrude hoggster and Stevie(he's in charge now..)the crestie. The children are looking at how animals move so the difference between corns/hoggies should be interesting and well,Stevie(he's in charge now..) running/jumping about with his sticky feet-whats not to like?
One Snow Corn One Amel Corn One Carolina Corn Two Male Bearded Dragons Three Female Bearded Dragons Three Yellow belly Turtles One Florida Soft Shell One Green Iguana
aw thanks you guy's I'm very happy to report that Sunny,Gertrude and Stevie (he's in charge now..)all behaved impeccably and were first rate ambassadors for scaleykind