Just for y Well,the poor dear boy was sooo very WOUNDED (pride!)by the last comments on his dinner pics-something about him getting big-that he had to sit on my knee for a delicate repast of mouse Very fresh mouse I may add,this week everyones dinner was still warm Freshly dedid
There should be an official Nigey fan-club; I would join in a second :)
Announcing: The Official Nigel Admirers Supporting Total Yumminess Society.
or 'To Nasty's' please post nominations for the following positions here; 1/Chair
3/Diary,Events organiser (visits to see Nigel,fundraising events etc)
When we have sufficient interest I am hoping to have a range of 'TO NASTY'S'shirts/baseball caps so you can openly express your love of the Nige Hopefully we shall be able to eventually have charitable status,for convenience in the interim please forward ALL Rodents/Hides/Lignocel/Vivs etc to me and any monies/cheques to be made out to MJ Peters.
NOTHING compares to Nige-I mean just look at that pinkish blush to his cheeks as he demurely bows his sweet little head to delicately(almost reverently)nibbles his mousey