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Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 17:40:48
Well I'm now part of the 'bitten club'.
And I have photo evidence to prove it. Look away now if you're squeamish...some serious blood and gore here 


Somehow I survived such terrifying attacks from such huge, scary, dangerous predators...
The culprits for each wound (respectively):
Hatchling #3. 6 days old...

Hatchling #8. 2 days old...

Hatchling #8 came out of the egg angry (well...defensive really, I'm much bigger than him and therefore quite scary) and hasn't calmed down since 
Hopefully it'll make it easier to get them eating as they both strike anything that moves! Even someone trying to fill their water bowls...
On a more serious note... I didn't think something so tiny could even break the skin but they both just about managed it. It just felt like being flicked with Velcro and I was quite shocked that they had drawn blood  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
lupi lou
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3670 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 18:31:03
PMSL have you had the hand amputated yet?! They are cute little angry hatchies :-D |
  1.0.1 Corns 0.1.0 Dog: springer 1.0.0 Horse 0.4.0 Gerbils 2.2.0 Leopard gecko 0.2.0 Cave gecko |
United Kingdom
522 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 18:34:47
I would get rid of those two asap, they are potential killers. I have a secure locked viv for them if you want me to take the vicious little devils off your seriously bitten hands! |
1.2.4 Corn Snakes - Carolina, 2 x Bloodred het Lavender, Amel, Snow, Anery and Carolina. 0.0.1 Cali King - Ziggy - escaped!! RIP Princess x |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3215 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 18:34:51
The ambulance is on its way, I hope you can hold out until it arrives  |
1.1 Corns (Anery Stripe, Amel) 1.0 Rootbeer 0.2 Jungle Carpet Python 1.0 Zebra Jungle Carpet Python 1.0 50% Diamond Zebra Carpet Python |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3319 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 18:49:31
Calm down! Keep your arm elevated and breathe! Animal control shall be round shortly to deal with the dangerous beasts  |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1245 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 19:17:22
Anti venom is in route at this moment just hold on lol |
0.0.1 ANERY (Liquorice) 0.0.1 CAROLINA (Bangle) 0.0.1 AMEL (Boozer)
it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 19:25:59
OUCH, you will be scarred for life The last pic would have me fleeing for my life, never seen such a vicious beast |
      0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes |
Thorne Walker
642 Posts |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1539 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 19:45:02
How many more helpless victims will there be before we learn the vital safety rules:
1/Never keep such dangerous animals as 'pets'!!!
2/If you chose to IGNORE rule 1-AWAYS wear heavy gloves (anti shark mail are good-Falconry a poor second)Never anything lighter than welders gloves.
3/Always use a hook-cattle prod at a pinch
4/Have someone with you whenever you are opening the reptiles enclosure
5/keep torniquet/anti-venom to hand.
6/Never not be AFRAID!!
My sympathies go out to the traumatized family at this difficult time
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1245 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 20:20:53
MJ how were you allowed such fearsome and deadly creatures on a small island, I would of thought controls would have been much stricter lol:-) |
0.0.1 ANERY (Liquorice) 0.0.1 CAROLINA (Bangle) 0.0.1 AMEL (Boozer)
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 20:48:41
Teeheehee thanks guys Somehow I have survived the gruesome injuries and still have both hands and all ten fingers! Some amazing first aid (after taking photos of course) has saved the day 
#8 has such an attitude, I'm sure he thinks he's a cobra or something the way he s-es up and flattens himself, lifting himself off the ground to look bigger. Bless him 
Thanks Thorne I think all the hatchies in this clutch are quite bright, must be mum's influence as she's a bright girl too. |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
Edited by - Moppet on 01/08/2013 20:49:39 |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2525 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 20:57:07
Moppet, I'm seriously impressed. That's a good going for something so tiny, they must have reeeaaally meant it to actually break the skin...
I'm also impressed with your calmness, with which you are facing such a horrendous and potentially life changing bites. :-) |
0.1.0 late CB10 Carolina corn snake - Bazilishka 1.0.0 CB11 Abbots Okeetee- Little Twiddler 1.0.0 CB11 Hypo corn- Sebastianek 1.0.0. CB14 Butter Motley - Squidwood 0.0.2 CB18 normal/ Okeetee yearlings Bunny and Lalalishka 0.0.1 hognose 0.1.0 stable cat 0.1.0 house cat |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 21:12:38
Oh they did. Both of them struck more than once, #8 was striking the inside of the tub before I even got into it, he's got attitude that one.  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:05:35
wow, that must of been a hell of an experience! you could have DIED! D: hehe #8, wow :o |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:09:12
I'm very lucky to have survived 
He's such a little character. Fab little snake  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:10:30
You keeping any of them? or seen one you'd love to keep yet? |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:16:21
I will be selling them all. There's one or two that I'm particularly attached to but I don't have the space to keep them permanently. I will of course be keeping them until I find them great new homes .
#1 is such a fab snake, calm as a cucumber, a particularly beautifully bright normal female. #8 is such a character too, love his attitude it's just so funny and I'm sure he'll calm down when he gets used to people and grows up a bit  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
United Kingdom
146 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:21:50
Hmm...on a serious note this is perhaps an example of why the fear of snakes is so unjustified.
My friend's kid's hamster bit Grandad not just breaking the skin but creating a wound that wasn't far off requiring treatment.
I know what I prefer as a pet!!! |
0.1.0 CB 11Amel Corn "Fuzzy" 0.1.0 CB14 Hypo Jungle Boa "Fizzy" Pair of Woma Pythons |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:22:15
he is just gorgeous :) |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3315 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 22:26:15
quote: Originally posted by gaz1974
Hmm...on a serious note this is perhaps an example of why the fear of snakes is so unjustified.
My friend's kid's hamster bit Grandad not just breaking the skin but creating a wound that wasn't far off requiring treatment.
I know what I prefer as a pet!!!
Well said. Corn snakes aren't really capable of doing very much damage, even an adult bite isn't as nasty as some other 'harmless' pet mammal bites I've seen.
Hayley - thanks very much I think he is too but I'm a bit biased  |
2.4.0 Corn snakes 1.0.0 horse 0.1.0 Golden retriever 1.4.0 Guinea pigs |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1539 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2013 : 23:42:56
quote: Originally posted by coxymk2
MJ how were you allowed such fearsome and deadly creatures on a small island, I would of thought controls would have been much stricter lol:-)
The answer lies in 'The Island'some areas have been inbreeding for CENTURIES leaving large areas of erm 'people?'that quite frankly should be actively encouraged to keep dangerous pets-for the good of humanity  |
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