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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  09:39:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Got to be realistic, every animal Ive had over the years has done it its always a WHEN not IF

Don't worry Ive also wrote down his bowel movements so were both possibly going to far I did weigh him and he was 12g, planning on doing that 48 - 72 hours after every feed.

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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  10:25:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Glad I'm not the only one who is so particular with their note keeping ! Also glad you're so realistic about the possibility of you being the place where Midas decides to relieve himself . There are signs to look out for....him going very still and his tail lifting at a slight angle, just enough for you to get some kitchen roll under it if you're fast enough .

As for weighing, I think it might be better to do it before a feed rather than when you're suggesting. By doing it before he eats you can almost guarantee that he's 'empty', whereas if you do it a few days after he's eaten then he will most probably still be weighed down by waste products ! You'd be amazed the difference it can make, weighing them before they poo and then after! Just a suggestion, of course....


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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  10:51:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'll weigh him tonight again as I'll be feeding him tomorrow

And ill make sure I have some kitchen roll in case another surprise happens, I'd take it as a compliment hat he's so relaxed with me he can relieve himself

Ill go with your suggestions, they make perfect sense! sometimes its hard to think whats the best way to do things but then someone says a suggestion and you think to yourself why it wasn't obvious lol

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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  14:06:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I feed mine in separate tubs rather than their vivs, so always weigh them in the tubs just before presenting the food :)

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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  14:19:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought of doing that too. I still have the original tub I got him in cleaned out ready, think it may be a good idea saves a possibility of him swallowing the aspen.

First feed I did in the viv on kitchen roll which he ate it on no problem, didn't want him stressed out on the first one

Edited by - twistedmonkey on 16/05/2013 14:20:16
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 16/05/2013 :  20:23:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I totally understand you doing his first feed in his viv because all that was important was that he ate and wasn't stressed....and well done for thinking to put kitchen roll down . Personally I'd do this next feed the same way, just to be sure he's happy eating, then try him in the tub the feed after. Not only does it take away the worry of him ingesting substrate and mean you can weigh him easily before you feed him, but it also gives you much better opportunities for pics .


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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  09:54:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree, it's a good idea just to get them to eat any way you can at first, then change things later if you want to!

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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  10:36:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cheers, Ill feed Midas on kitchen roll later in the viv again .

I took the pinkie out this morning at 8a.m and put it in the fridge still in the bag to defrost, and plan to heat it up in some warm water from the tap before feeding (still in the bag of course). Seems to be safer than defrosting in the bag before a feed so I can make sure its defrosted properly inside.

Would you recommend leaving out at room temp for 30 - 60 mins prior to heating in water?

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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  11:01:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would have thought that's a good idea, otherwise there might still be a chill in the middle from being in the fridge. I defrost all of mine at room temperature for a couple of hours and they defrost fine. Then warm them by dipping them in water. It's the good thing about getting the food from Pets at Home, they each come in their own little bags .

Hope the feed goes well.


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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  12:15:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's my thoughts, the last time I was about so defrosted it at room temp for a couple of hours before heating in water. First time doing it in the fridge before coming to work and was unsure how long a standard pinkie would take on average. But even fridges are set to different temps so many variables to think of, Ill get there eventually

I buy mine from pets a home too, I was thankful of the bags too when reading up on feeding, I put them in a tub in the freezer with a sticker saying snake food, saves my nephews from thinking they might be some sort of new ice cream treat I've bought as they never read packets

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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  13:39:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If it's just a pinky it will only take about 5 mins to defrost from frozen if you put it in a jug of warm water ;)

Poor nephews - they might enjoy mice lollies.... :P

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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 17/05/2013 :  18:16:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mice lollies lol think ill put that on the tub

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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 18/05/2013 :  12:13:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Second feed down

He wasn't as active when I put the pinkie in on the kitchen roll and after 10 mins of it being in the viv he was still hiding under his fern.

Didn't want to leave it in the viv, just in case he knocked it into the substrate so I picked it up using the feeding tongs to try and entice him, he was poking his head through the fern and came towards the pinkie immediately, I slowly moved it away towards the kitchen roll with him following and placed it down and he ate it straight away.

He seems to be settling down, the first feed he went and hid straight away for two days after, this time he was quite active for a couple of hours and then went to hide under his fern .

Next time ill try feeding him in a separate tub.

Edited by - twistedmonkey on 18/05/2013 12:16:15
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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 18/05/2013 :  14:04:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sounds like things are going really well :D

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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 20/05/2013 :  07:56:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's actually a really positive reaction Kev, that he responded when you moved the pinkie about . I'm glad he ate well for you and was settled enough to not hide straight away.

My mice are in an open top plastic couldn't do that with ones bought from anywhere other than Pets at Home! My problem is when I pull out the ice cream tub, I'm allergic so for the kids I hasten to add , and find I've got a tub of 'bollies' I think they're called, that my son goes fishing with. One of my daughter's friends won't eat anything that's come from our freezer after she found out we kept mice in there. It didn't help that my daughter told her that when the mice defrost they come alive !! She was about 13yrs old then and 7yrs on she STILL won't eat anything that she knows has come from that freezer.

It is up to you but personally, because he responded slightly differently this time, I might do one more feed in his viv....just to establish that feeding response. Just a suggestion know Midas better than I do .


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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 20/05/2013 :  10:15:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah he seems to be settling in very nicely, he comes up to the glass when I'm near the viv now and doesn't instantly hide. He's also extremely friendly when being taken out, he flickers his tongue has a smell at me and slithers towards my hand, he's never hissed or rattled his tail as yet, he's still a baby though and I'm sure he will change at some point when he's about to shed or gets older but so far he's an absolute delight

I've had that many different baits in the freezer for fishing myself, I normally only do sea fishing now but the lug worms are a great one for kids to find lol

Ill see how it feels on Wednesday on the next feed, if he's active ill try and feed him in a different tub, if he's a bit shy ill do it again in the viv, I'm sure he will let me know how he's feeling and once I learn his temperament it will make future feeds easier, its all about Midas and making him feel safe and relaxed

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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 24/05/2013 :  09:52:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well I fed him in a separate tub on Wednesday and it went really well, he ate as soon as I put the pinkie in the tub with him

One question I forgot to ask was how long in your opinions would generally keep him in the tub before moving back to the viv?

I waited till he had ate and once the pinkie was all the way down his body and he started to move about I placed the tub into the viv so he could get back in and hide for a bit.

I've also noticed the temps in my Viv are varying more than usual, I reset the thermometer every day before I goto work. I use a little pc fan running at 5v to keep the humidity down but it could be hitting the Stat probe and causing he stat to read half air temp and half mat temp.

It generally varies between 25 and 29 but with the weather changing from hot to rainy, cloudy to rainy, cloudy sunny all in one day (Scottish weather) the humidity changes quite a lot hence the fan, I noticed the temp peaked one day at 31! thats too hot for little Midas so I had a couple of ideas and wondering your thoughts. One was to change from the stripey microclimate mat to a pro rep or habistat solid one, I also thought of covering the stat prob with more aspen, the warm hide or putting a smaller cover over it to isolate the heat from the surrounding air temp more so that it only reads what the mat is and last was to look into a Pulse stat as I've heard these are more stable and reliable, can you advise any thoughts you might have on this please

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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 24/05/2013 :  11:38:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So glad his feed in the separate tub went so well . You did exactly the right thing, waiting until the pinkie had moved all the way down and Midas was moving around. You can then just carefully lift him, supporting the portion of his body where the pinkie is, and place him back in his viv.

As for your temperature problems....I'm assuming the stat you've got is a microclimate on/off one. A lot of us have had issues with them, I know I have. I wasn't happy with how large the temperature difference was between it turning on and off was dropping to 25oC before it turned on and was not turning off until it hit 30oC. I changed to a Habistat pulse thermostat and am very happy with them . I don't have any experience with the mat you have so can't help there.

The main issue though, is the probe positioning. I walked past Kellog's viv one day and noticed that the thermometer was showing 31oC ! I immediately checked the probes and found that he had moved the stat probe so it was pointing up, therefore reading the air temp rather than the heatmat. Luckily I noticed....and it proves how necessary thermometers are to monitor what's going on.

What do you mean when you say you 'reset the thermometers'? Mine are on continually. I'm not sure whether you would have an issue with humidity, most of us don't even monitor it as corns are fine with normal house humidity. I'm wondering whether the fan is necessary....have you measured the humidity to see whether it is necessary?

It may be worthwhile moving the probes for the stat and thermometer, which should be together, if you think the fan is effecting the working of the stat. I wouldn't advise putting them under the warm hide, because then they are effected by the heat of Midas' body when he's in it. Mine are under a pile of rocks/stones, to stop the snakes moving them.

Hope that's been of some sort of help....bad brain fog today so I hope I've made sense .


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United Kingdom
132 Posts

Posted - 24/05/2013 :  12:40:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah the stat is a Microclimate on/off one, I have the stat probe and thermometer probe together, in the mean time ill try and place something heavy on top of them in case he is moving it at times, and ill invest in a pulse stat, any suggestions where best to buy one from? I live in the Edinburgh area and can't find anyone close so looks like ill have to mail order

Couple of sites I found on google are :-

With having no experience with either company your help recommending a good mail order site would be appreciated

My thermometer is always on, its a digital one that shows the current temp and the min/max its reached over a time period so I reset the min/max in the morning in the morning so I can check the variation every day so I can keep a record.

I bought a digital hydrometer to check the humidity when I first got the viv before I put Midas in and it was up to 90% then I drilled a few holes in the viv near the vents five at each end and it lowered to 80% (prob just the settling in period for the viv. It was a particularly humid day even the room humidity was at 58%, I put the fan on the outside and it dropped it to 55%. The fan sits outside the viv and runs really slow as its 5v passing through it, I can position it about 3-7 inches from the vent and you cant feel much air coming through the vent, it was primarily to circulate the air round the viv and the surrounding area, I read some people used desk top fans for the same problem so I tried this and it lowered the viv temps dramatically so I came up with the pc fan solution, I tried all these before getting little Midas on the initial setting up and testing phase. I've only used it if I notice the humidity going over the 60% mark is peaked at 64% on two occasions since I've had Midas. Its just a precaution to try and keep the optimal humidity, maybe I'm being too much of a protective parent again . Generally the humidity in the viv sits between 48 - 54% without the fan

Edited by - twistedmonkey on 24/05/2013 12:46:19
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2013 :  08:35:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry for the late reply. Don't worry about being a protective parent, it's how you should be .

I've had dealings with 888reptiles and found them good and I've also seen Swell Reptiles recommended. Another is

It does sound as though you have a problem with humidity....but then you do live in Scotland . It also sounds as though you are doing everything you can to combat it .

Thanks for explaining about your thermometer....mine is your bulk standard cheap one that just tells you what the temperature is. I didn't even know there was one that does what yours does !


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