Thank you very much. That will be very useful. Any ideas on how to distinguish which wood has come from which tree. I fear that I won't be able to tell if its pine or not.
I'm heading up the mountain Sunday to see if I can find any hollow logs. I can buy some in the pet shop, but it works out costly.
Is there any tips anyone has or any previous posts that could help me?
Here's an idea; I use 'hollow logs'that were originly for aquaria.There's a pic.of our George peeking out from one in the pic.'arboreal peppa'.These logs are ceramic so can be heat sterilised in the oven. They are much cheaper than Herp.products and you can pic them up 'previously enjoyed'even cheaper-often with a bunch of fish stuff that you can then sell on-how good is that
Will just have to take a look at the trees see what I can identify. I'm in the process of making a hide. It's not the best but it will do, will put pictures up soon.