Wow! So amazing! I love his white belly as well! Gorgeous!
2.1.0 corns: CB09 sherlock CB12 Dimebag CB13 Ripley 0.1.0 CB12 brb: Ophelia 0.1.0 CB13 normal royal: Amelia 1 strange furry hamster: Sheldon 2 live with my folks doggies: Mildred and mr jones
Lol he wasn't letting anyone else get that! Wow, is his belly still so white all the way down? Ember's starts white but is more of a yellowy/pinky colour further down.
@ smart bunny - yes his/her belly is pure white all the way down @ Moppet - Morse refuses to let go and eat for around 5 mins, definately making sure it is well and truly dead. Thanks every one for saying how stunning Morse is - it means alot to me for others to like my snakes