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United Kingdom
108 Posts |
Posted - 29/11/2012 : 19:37:52
[color=#BF0000]#1201 Amel het Anery Lava ph Charcoal Hypo X Diffused Ghost[/color] 0.1 - Anery het Amel Hypo Diffused ph Lava Charcol - £15 each
[color=#BF0000]#1202 Candycane het Cinder X Miami het Amel Cinder[/color] 1.0 - Cinder het Amel - £80 each 1.0 - Amel Cinder - £160 each
[color=#BF0000]#1203 Amel het Cinder Caramel X Het Amel Caramel Cinder Motley[/color] 1.1 - Amel Motley ph Caramel Cinder - £20 each 0.1 - Motley het Amel ph Caramel Cinder - £15 each 3.0 - Amel Cinder ph Motley - £160 each
[color=#BF0000]#1205 Amel het Cinder Lava X Het Amel Cinder Lava[/color] 0.1 - Normal het Amel ph Cinder Lava - £10 1.0 - Lava het Amel ph Cinder - £30 1.0 - Cinder het Amel ph Lava - £80
[color=#BF0000]#1206 Amel het Cinder Lava X Normal het Amel Cinder Lava[/color] 3.0 - Cinder het Amel - £80 each
[color=#BF0000]#1211 Anery het Hypo Amel Diffused Motley Pied x the same[/color] 1.2 - Diffused Ghost ph Amel Motley - £80 each
[color=#BF0000]#1214 Caramel Stripe het Amel X Amber [/color] 1.1 - Caramel het Hypo Stripe ph Amel - £20
[color=#BF0000]#1220 Diffused Ghost het Amel Charcoal x the same[/color] 2.3 - Diffused Ghost ph Amel Charcoal - £80 each 2.2 - Coral Avalanche ph Charcoal - £60 each 1.0 - Diffused Platinum ph Amel - £80 each 0.1 - Diffused Powder - £120 each
[color=#BF0000]Diffused Ghost het Amel Charcoal X Normal het Amel Anery Charcoal Diffused[/color] 0.1 - Amel het Anery Diffused Hypo ph Charcoal - £15 0.1 - Anery het Hypo Diffused ph Amel Charcoal - £15 1.0 - Pewter het Anery Hypo ph Amel - £40 1.0 - Granite het Hypo ph Amel Charcoal - £30 1.0 - Snow het Hypo Diffused ph Charcoal - £20
[color=#BF0000]#1223 Normal het Amel Lava Caramel Motley ph Anery X Ultra Caramel het Anery Motley[/color] 2.0 - Golddust Motley ph Anery Lava - £50 each
[color=#BF0000]#1224 Diffused Pied het Hypo, Amel ph Anery x Fire Motley/Stripe ph Anery Caramel Hypo[/color] 4.4 - Diffused het Amel, Pied, Motley or Stripe ph Anery Hypo Caramel - £60 each - £100 pair 3.2 - Fire het Pied, Motley or Stripe ph Anery Hypo Caramel - £80 each - £130 pair
[color=#BF0000]#1227 Pied het Amel Hypo ph Anery Motley X Granite het Charcoal Hypo ph Amel Pied [/color] 0.2 - Diffused het Anery Pied ph Amel Charcoal Hypo - £60 each 0.1 - Granite het Pied ph Amel Charcoal Hypo - £60 each 1.0 - Fire het Anery Pied ph Charcoal Hypo - £80 each 1.0 - Avalanche het Pied ph Charcoal Hypo - £80 each 2.0 - Hypo Diffused het Anery Pied ph Amel Charcoal Hypo - £100 each
[color=#BF0000]#1230 Ghost het Amel Lavender Diffused X Hypo het Amel Anery Lavender Diffused[/color] 1.0 - Hypo Diffused ph Amel Anery Lavender - £50 each 0.1 - Hypo Opal het Anery - £70 each
[color=#BF0000]#1232 Golddust het Motley X Butter het Diffused Motley[/color] 0.1 - Golddust ph Diffused Motley - £50 each
[color=#BF0000]#1233 Golddust het Motley X Ultramel het Caramel Motley[/color] 1.0 - Golddust Motley - £50 each 0.1 - Ultra Caramel ph Motley - £40 each
[color=#BF0000]#1234 Granite Pied Sided het Amel Charcoal Hypo X Diffused het Amel Hypo Pied ph Motley[/color] 1.0 - Diffused het Anery Pied ph Amel Charcoal Hypo Motley - £60 0.1 - Pied Sided Diffused het Anery ph Amel Charcoal Hypo Motley - £100 (low expression) 1.0 - Pied Sided Hypo Diffused het Anery ph Amel Charcoal Motley - £150 (medium expression) 0.1 - Pied Sided Fire het Anery ph Charcoal Hypo Motley - £150 (medium expression)
[color=#BF0000]#1235 Granite Pied Sided het Amel Charcoal Hypo X Stripe het Amel, Diffused Hypo Anery ph Lavender[/color] 0.1 - Fire het Anery Pied Stripe ph Charcoal Hypo Lavender - £60 each
[color=#BF0000]#1236 Granite Pied Sided het Hypo Amel Charcoal X Ultramel Diffused het Caramel[/color] 1.4 - Diffused het Anery Pied Amel or Ultra ph Hypo Charcoal Caramel - £80 each - £130 pair 2.1 - Diffused Ultramel het Anery Pied ph Hypo Charcoal Caramel - £120 - £200 pair
[color=#BF0000]#1237 Het Amel Anery ph Charcoal Hypo Lava X Het Amel Anery Lava ph Charcoal Hypo[/color] 1.1 - Normal ph Amel Anery Charcoal Hypo Lava - £10 1.0 - Amel ph Anery Charcoal Hypo Lava - £15
[color=#BF0000]#1238 Normal Het Amel Anery ph Charcoal Hypo Lava x the same[/color] 1.0 - Normal ph Amel Anery Charcoal Hypo Lava - £10 each 1.0 - Hypo ph Anery Anery Charcoal Lava - £15 each
[color=#BF0000]#1240 Hypo Cinder x Hypo Motley het Caramel[/color] 0.3 - Hypo het Cinder Motley - £50 each
[color=#BF0000]#1242 Hypo Diffused het Anery Charcoal Amel X Platinum het Amel [/color] 1.0 - Phantom het Anery Diffused ph Amel - £50 each
[color=#BF0000]#1245 Hypo het Charcoal Diffused Motley X Same[/color] 1.1 - Hypo ph Charcoal Diffused Motley - £15 each 4.1 - Phantom ph Diffused Motley - £50 each 1.0 - Hypo Diffused ph Charcoal Motley - £60 each
[color=#BF0000]#1246 Hypo het Amel Charcoal Diffused Motley X Fire het Charcoal Motley[/color] 0.1 - Diffused het Amel Hypo ph Charcoal Motley - £30 each 2.1 - Fire het Hypo ph Charcoal Motley - £40 each 1.0 - Whiteout het Hypo ph Motley - £40 each
[color=#BF0000]#1249 Hypo Opal het Stripe x Snow Stripe het Lavender[/color] 0.1 - Opal het Anery Hypo Stripe - £50
[color=#BF0000]#1253 Hypo Pewter het Anery x Normal het Amel Anery Hypo ph Charcoal Lava[/color] 3.1 - Ghost het Charcoal Diffused ph Amel - £20 each
[color=#BF0000]#1254 Whiteout X Charcoal Plasma ph Hypo[/color] 1.4 - Pewter het Amel Lavender ph Hypo - £40
[color=#BF0000]#1255 Normal Het Amel Hypo Caramel Cinder Motley X Amel het Cinder Caramel[/color] 2.0 - Cinder het Amel ph Caramel Hypo Motley - £80 each
[color=#BF0000]#1256 Normal het Hypo Amel Cinder Caramel Motley X Amel het Cinder Stripe[/color] 1.0 - Cinder het Amel ph Hypo Caramel Motley or Stripe - £80 each 2.0 - Amel Cinder ph Hypo Caramel Motley or Stripe - £160 each
[color=#BF0000]#1257 Normal het Hypo Amel Cinder Caramel Motley X Butter Motely ph Cinder[/color] 1.1 - Caramel het Amel Motley ph Hypo Cinder - £20
[color=#BF0000]#1258 Normal het Hypo Amel Cinder Caramel Motley X Amber Motley[/color] 1.0 - Caramel het Hypo Motley ph Amel Cinder - £20
[color=#BF0000]#1259 Normal het Cinder Diffused X the same[/color] 0.2 - Normal ph Cinder Diffused - £10 each 1.1 - Diffused ph Cinder - £30 each
[color=#BF0000]#1260 Normal het Cinder Diffused X the same[/color] 1.0 - Cinder ph Diffused - £80 each
[color=#BF0000]#1262 Opal het Kastanie X Het Amel Caramel Kastanie[/color] 1.0 - Mandarin het Lavender ph Caramel - £60 each
[color=#BF0000]#1263 Normal Caramel Lava Motley X the same[/color] 1.0 - Normal ph Caramel laval Motley - £10 each 0.1 - Lava ph Caramel Motley - £30 each
[color=#BF0000]#1264 Normal Caramel Lava Motley X the same[/color] 1.2 - Normal ph Caramel Lava Motley - £10 each 0.1 - Motley ph Caramel Lava - £15 2.0 - Caramel ph Lava Motley - £15 each 1.0 - Caramel Motley ph Lava - £25 3.1 - Lava ph Caramel Motley - £30 each 1.0 - Topaz ph Motley - £120
[color=#BF0000]#1265 Normal het Lava Cinder X the same[/color] 2.1 - Normal ph Lava Cinder - £10 each 1.0 - Cinder ph Lava - £80 each
[color=#BF0000]#1266 Normal het Cinder Lava X Normal het Cinder ph Lava[/color] 1.0 - Cinder ph Lava - £80
[color=#BF0000]#1267 Normal het Cinder Lava X Lava het Cinder[/color] 1.2 - Lava ph Cinder - £40 each 2.0 - Cinder ph Lav - £80
[color=#BF0000]#1268 Plasma het Amel Hypo X Diffused het Hypo Lavender[/color] 2.0 - Diffused het Lavender ph Amel Hypo - £30 each 5.0 - Plasma ph Amel Hypo - £75 each
[color=#BF0000]#1269 Plasma het Amel Hypo X Hypo het Amel Diffused Lavender[/color] 1.0 - Hypo het Diffused Laveder ph Amel - £15 1.1 - Diffused het Hypo Lavender ph Amel - £30 each 0.1 - Fire het Hypo Lavender - £40
[color=#BF0000]#1277 Tessera het Amel X Fire het Anery Hypo ph Charcoal[/color] 1.2 - Tessera het Amel Diffused ph Anery Hypo Charcoal - £200 each
[color=#BF0000]#1281 Whiteout X Diffused Caramel het Amel[/color] 0.1 - Diffused het Amel Caramel Charcoal - £40 each
[color=#BF0000]#1282 Whiteout X Ultramel het Charcoal Diffused[/color] 1.0 - Whiteout - £60 each
[color=#BF0000]#1283 Whiteout X Ultramel het Charcoal Diffused[/color] 1.0 - Ultramel Charcoal het Diffused - £70 each 0.1 - Ultramel Pewter - £120 each |
United Kingdom
80 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2012 : 17:51:04
Do you have a photo of the Tessera, please? |
Mags 0.1.0 Kitty (CB12 Charcoal)- MIA since July, still hoping 0.1.0 Fizz (CB12 Carolina) 1.0.0 Sid (CB14 Miami) 1.0.0 Darcy (Gordon Setter) 1.0.0 Callan (Irish Setter) 3.0.0 Jess, Jagger & Tigger (Cats) |
United Kingdom
108 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2012 : 22:29:49
Which one? Male or female? |
United Kingdom
80 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2012 : 01:48:13
Oh, sorry, female. Thanks |
Mags 0.1.0 Kitty (CB12 Charcoal)- MIA since July, still hoping 0.1.0 Fizz (CB12 Carolina) 1.0.0 Sid (CB14 Miami) 1.0.0 Darcy (Gordon Setter) 1.0.0 Callan (Irish Setter) 3.0.0 Jess, Jagger & Tigger (Cats) |
United Kingdom
108 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2012 : 22:36:24
Huh? Did I miss something?
Will try and get photos of the female tessera asap |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3796 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2012 : 09:57:55
Picture of the male Tessera please, many thanks. |
9.11 Cornsnakes 1.1 Hogg island boas 1.0 Dwarf Burmese python
Location: Watford Website- |
United Kingdom
259 Posts |
Posted - 30/12/2012 : 20:07:47
Hi all,
The three remaining Tesseras het Amel Diffused:
Female 1:
Female 2:
Cheers Ads |
Corn fanatic and breeder
Facebook/procorns for updates and general photo spam
United Kingdom
140 Posts |
Posted - 31/12/2012 : 15:04:47
Any chance of sending me a photo of the fire het hypo lavender please. Always easier to convince the other half if she can see |
0.1.0 Citrus Tiger BD 1.0.0 Rainbow Leatherback BD 1.0 Staffie 0.1 Boxer x 0.1.0 Striped Amel 1.0.0 Snow Coral |
Edited by - Oleary1982 on 31/12/2012 15:10:08 |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
22 Posts |
Posted - 31/12/2012 : 17:43:02
Are these available for sale? Thanks Zoe |
The Scottish Admin
United Kingdom
5319 Posts |
Posted - 31/12/2012 : 17:49:56
quote: Originally posted by Zincubus
Rather than deleting posts for no good reason maybe whoever was responsible shoud be trying to get this forum into the 21st Century !
You should be able to see how far each seller is from yourself - at a glance AND we should be able to PM each other .....
I am responsible for deleting the posts, if you acually bothered reading the sticky you would see why it was removed, pointless posts are deleted from the classified,
If you dont like the forum or the format of the forum no ones holding a gun to your head to use it.
My apologies to Debbie and Ads as it appears some folks just want to use threads for their own purpose |
United Kingdom
108 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2013 : 21:20:44
No worries, Graeme - as it happens in th craziness of the season I haven't logged on for a while, so missed it all - whatever it was!
The fire het hypo lav is gorgeous and I will endeavour to photograph it on my day off on Thursday. |
United Kingdom
391 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2013 : 18:13:33
hi was wanting to know if u will have any lavender stripes hypo lavender stripes or opel stripes this year ty very much i had 2 from u last year a hypo lavender and an opel bit r fab i love them to bits good feeder the works lol ty again for them xx |
1.0 Caroliner - Ozzy 1.0 caramel Bloodred - Damon 0.1 sulfor - Stella 0.1 moonstone - letti 1.0 lavender - tazz 0.1 amber opal - salt 0.2 cats buffy & narla |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2331 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2013 : 22:17:41
ohhhh man im looking at this list and thinking ooh i wouldnt mind that one oh and that one ooh and that one that one and that one **sighs** my previous procorns purchases are thriving and getting big lol dont suppose you have any blizzards ? |
6.8.0 Corn Snakes 1.1.0 Royal 0.2.0 Chinchillas 1.1.0 Cats 1.1.0 Birds 0.0.2 Fishtanks 0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
United Kingdom
108 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2013 : 22:52:29
We will hopefully have hypo lav stripes and opal stripes next year.
We don't have any blizzards but we do have a whiteout left. :) |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2331 Posts |
Posted - 10/01/2013 : 00:25:47
quote: Originally posted by vetdebbie
We will hopefully have hypo lav stripes and opal stripes next year.
We don't have any blizzards but we do have a whiteout left. :)
Yup i saw that and a whiteout would give me a nice clean white snake wouldnt it with no chance of any yellow seeping in unlike a blizzard am i right ? |
6.8.0 Corn Snakes 1.1.0 Royal 0.2.0 Chinchillas 1.1.0 Cats 1.1.0 Birds 0.0.2 Fishtanks 0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
United Kingdom
259 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2013 : 07:29:35
Hey - A Whiteout is Blizzard + Diffused so you do get a snake with even less pattern.
Here is a pic of that Fire het Hypo Lavender - Remind me again why we are selling?
Cheers Ads |
Corn fanatic and breeder
Facebook/procorns for updates and general photo spam
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
28 Posts |
Posted - 21/01/2013 : 19:50:25
Hi, could you show a couple of pics of your best goldust snakes please. I defo want to buy one. And preferably a hatchling with pronounced markings. Many thanks. Jon |
0.1.0 ultramel anery - Molly 0.1.0 Staffy x Something -Mitsy 0.1.0 Staffy - Bonnie
United Kingdom
84 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2013 : 21:27:34
Hello, wondering if you have any pics of the Caramel Stripe het Amel X Amber Thanks Jordan |
1.1.0 Corn Snake- Ariel (Coral Snow) & Dave(Butter Motley) 2.0.0 Dogs - Slipper and Lily 1.2.0 cats Suki, Fuzz and Charlie 0.0.10 tropical fish
Location; Northwich (Cheshire) |
United Kingdom
140 Posts |
Posted - 27/02/2013 : 19:17:06
Any pics of the diffused het lavender? |
0.1.0 Citrus Tiger BD 1.0.0 Rainbow Leatherback BD 1.0 Staffie 0.1 Boxer x 0.1.0 Striped Amel 1.0.0 Snow Coral |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
5 Posts |
Posted - 20/03/2013 : 09:55:41
Hi what is your location?thanks |
United Kingdom
259 Posts |
Topic |