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378 Posts |
Posted - 25/10/2009 : 01:25:11
bengy_s St George, Bristol
1.0.0 Normal Royal (Chester) 0.1.0 Anerythristic Corn (LegLess) 0.2.0 Albino ferrets (Mable & Sue) 1.0.0 Syrian Hamster (Jabba) |

0.1.0 Anery corn- LegLess 1.0.0 Carolina corn- NoFeet 1.0.0 Syrian hamster- Jabba 0.2.0 Albino ferrets- Mable & Sue 1.0.0 Cat- Ned |
378 Posts |
Posted - 25/10/2009 : 01:27:08
bengy_s Lyme Regis, Dorset
1.0.0 Normal Royal (Chester) 0.1.0 Anerythristic Corn (LegLess) 0.2.0 Albino ferrets (Mable & Sue) 1.0.0 Syrian Hamster (Jabba)
PS. Two entries, this parents house, as moving from Briz soon ??ELSEWHERE IN BRIZ?? |

0.1.0 Anery corn- LegLess 1.0.0 Carolina corn- NoFeet 1.0.0 Syrian hamster- Jabba 0.2.0 Albino ferrets- Mable & Sue 1.0.0 Cat- Ned |
United Kingdom
689 Posts |
Posted - 27/10/2009 : 20:13:25
All updated guys. Sorry, I haven't been around much lately, soooo busy with work at the mo, no time to sit at PC.
Alice is doing great, still keeping her at about 700g with 1 XL mouse every 10-12 days.
bengy_s, i've just created one entry for you in Bristol. Just put a note on here to get updated when you move.

58 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2009 : 01:42:54
Oops just realised I haven't listed my vets on her yet. They have reptile and avian specialised vets here. I haven't taken Acorn here yet but have my quails and they were very knowledgeable, and I've heard good reviews from them with reptiles but kind of hoping I won't have to find out how good anytime soon :P Consultaions for snakes are about £30 last time I checked.
Birch Heath Veterinary Clinic Birch Heath Rd Tarporley Cheshire CW6 9UU 01829 733777
ps hope this is the right section, sorry if its not! |
0.1.0 normal corn snakey (Acorn!) 0.1.0 Border collie cross (Molly) 0.1.0 Cat (Tess) 0.5.0 Japanese quails (Belle, Ariel, Nala, Beauty, Mary Poppins) 0.2.5 Tropical fishies |
378 Posts |
Posted - 02/11/2009 : 16:00:39
Ok Mark thanks. Will let you know when move cheers! |

0.1.0 Anery corn- LegLess 1.0.0 Carolina corn- NoFeet 1.0.0 Syrian hamster- Jabba 0.2.0 Albino ferrets- Mable & Sue 1.0.0 Cat- Ned |
United Kingdom
689 Posts |
Posted - 02/11/2009 : 17:34:03
Thanks Jen88,
We could do with a few more reptile vets on the map.
Can anyone recommend any more? |

69 Posts |
Posted - 02/11/2009 : 18:40:08
Josh, Diss/Bury st edmunds 0.1.0 normal corn 0.0.1 Leopard gecko 0.1.0 Bearded Dragon |
Joshua.E.S |
United Kingdom
537 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2009 : 14:48:35
Mnementh Jarrow , Tyne and Wear |
One last jump , that's all we have to take Holth . Wearily the old queen gathered heself to spring ; Moreta gratefully began her litany . Black , blacker , blackest - They went between . |

75 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2009 : 20:47:12
MissyBats 0.1.0 carolina corn named Syn 0.0.14 Tarantulas do I have to list these lol! I'm lazy! hahaha 2.0.0 cats Tibby and Solstice and 1.0.0 anery coming saturday :D calling him Danger :D |

75 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2009 : 20:58:13
West Sussex hahaha I'm so forgetful! x |
our battery charger
United Kingdom
3063 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2009 : 21:11:57
a33272 chipping norton, oxon |
0.1.0 creamsicle corn-Marmalade 1.0.0 jungle carpet python-Bumble 1.0.0 corn Casper
United Kingdom
363 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2009 : 15:51:14
Scarlett, Chatham, Kent. 0.0.1 - Amel Corn (Ember, also known as Madame Foo-foo or Flame-O) 1.0.0 - Black cat (Moggles, also known as Handsome Boy and Fatman) 0.1.0 - Tabby Cat (Simba, mostly known as Pretty girl, Missy Moo or Cowbag) 0.0.lots - Fish
=D Feel free to leave the nickname's out lol.
x |
  0.0.1 Amel Corn -Ember. 1.0.0 Bloodred Corn - Loki. 0.0.1 MBK - Apollo. 1.1.0 Cats - Moggy and Pretty Girl. 0.0.1 Royal Python - Odin R.I.P 20/6/10. Wishlist = Pied Sided Bloodred, Anery Stripe, Coral Stripe, Bloodred, Green Blotched Snow, Strawberry Snow Stripe.
Location = Chatham, Kent. |
The Lost boy.
United Kingdom
3984 Posts |
Posted - 13/11/2009 : 22:13:45
Hillzi (Tom) 0.0.1 Amel Blaze; 1.0.0 Caro Dave. |
Snake Mite
United Kingdom
20 Posts |
Posted - 23/11/2009 : 23:37:12
hey dude.. not sure if this is right, but ill try
snake name = trouser snake morph = crimson snake sex = unknown location = Chirk (outside wrexham) chees matt |
ǝʞɐɔ sǝʌoן
United Kingdom
8173 Posts |
Posted - 24/11/2009 : 00:06:26
Hiya Budaholic. Can you update mine, I think all mine are in my sig, although I'm probably wrong.  |
-=Kehhlyr - The Resident Loon
United Kingdom
689 Posts |
Posted - 25/11/2009 : 20:36:40
tis done sir. :) |
The Scottish Admin
United Kingdom
5319 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2009 : 23:54:15
Hiya Budaholic could you add me please, beasties in my sig GMac Glasgow |

117 Posts |
Posted - 29/11/2009 : 00:26:16
hiya, could you add me? I'm in Birstall near Leeds (WF17) |
1.0.0 Hypo Corn - Syd 0.1.0 Normal Corn - Charley 1.0.0 Amel Corn - Shorty 0.1.0 Golden Retriver - Jinx |
United Kingdom
689 Posts |
Posted - 29/11/2009 : 13:07:21
You've been on the map for quite a while already YD??
Bud |

90 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 20:13:48
rose2191 Matlock, derbyshire 1.0.0 anery corn (santos) 0.0.1 carolina corn (charlie) 0.0.1 leucistic texas rat snake (mitch)
Great idea, only just noticed this thread xx |
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