well done u. i had my first clutch of 11 in july all hatched and today one of the non feeder had his/her first meal (there where 5 that would not eat ) so fingers crossed the rest will be hungry soon. did you have any non feeders as i know it is common but 5 out of 11 i thought was high?
Euan 1.1.0. normal stripped, normal corn 0.1.0 e.s.s
well done u. i had my first clutch of 11 in july all hatched and today one of the non feeder had his/her first meal (there where 5 that would not eat ) so fingers crossed the rest will be hungry soon. did you have any non feeders as i know it is common but 5 out of 11 i thought was high?
Not tried yet.Waiting them to shed.4 or 5 have, so gonna try them tommorow.