Hi guys I was running late for work this morning but as I was leaving I saw ripley had shed It was in two halves but looked complete if priced together But I didn't have time to check her over
Two questions.. If in the worst case scenario she hasn't shed cleanly, will the 8 hours or so until I get home be detrimental to her??
And also when I'm checking her over, how easy is it to tell if the eye caps have come away clean It looked like they were intact with the skin tbh
if you have seen the eye caps on teh shed skin then all is fine. Done think the 8 hours will make much of a difference especially if you have moss hide in which may remove any retained skin just have a look to see if anything is still on the snake
Just got home to her, her eyes were clear but the tip of her tail needed some assistance, I used damp kitchen roll to tease it off She's a little more pink near her head and very pretty :-) I thought the pink faded as lavenders got older? She was a lot more energetic during handling & her grip was way stronger too Is this connected with shedding generally??
be as she is growing to be honest as she gets chunckier so to speak u will find that the grip will be stronger still. As i say for the moss hide just use an old ice cream tub or butter one and cut a hole in the lid then ur done. unlesss u just want to use the water