hi i got a 3 year old mexican black kingsnake on tuesday and since my little corn snake has noticed him he's been sitting in his coconut hide with his head poking out the top like he's keeping an eye out lol ????? i give my cornsnake 2 large pinkies yesterday evening and when i put him back in his viv he went straight up a bit of wood thats in there and sat on that for a couple of hours and he has not been to his warm hide since i fed him yesterday ?????? am i rite in thinking if he doesnt use the warm hide he will regurge the pinkies ?? thanks
Looks funny but remember a thread on here when snakey got stuck and it was difficult to get out without causing harm to snake. Maybe someone else can remember when it was. Worth reading.
I'll play snap with u. This is sid when we first got him.
0.1.0 Amels (sid) 1.0.0 carolina stripe (simon)0.1.0 ghost (silva) 1.1.0 diffused/bloodreds (scarlet and samson) 1.0 staffy x beagle soon to have female pin royal