0.1.0 amel - TaLuLa 0.1.0 anery motley het amel, hypo - Bo 1.0.0 vanishing stripe unknown - Marley 1.0.0 hogg island boa - Iggy 0.1.0 hogg island boa - Luna 0.1.0 royal python - Buttons! 1.0.0 royal python 66% het albino - Steve 0.1.0 leopard gecko - Sheila millions of beardies!
No. Two weeks before, he had finished a fuzzy in about 3 seconds so we thought it was time to move up but when we went to the snake shop there was nothing smaller than small mice. We bought 3 really small ones and tried him with one and he didn't eat it. We gave him two and he ate both of them normally. Then the next feed he ate one backwards and refused the other one!