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182 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2012 : 18:08:46
Hi guys,
It's is a real long short but may be worth a go. If any one in the leicester / nottingham area has an accident resulting in eggs which you do not wish to keep but are unable to freeze feel free to give me a shout and I'll take them off your hands. Even if it's for "normals". I'm not after free snakes and would even pay a small amont for them. I have avoid group of friends who are all willing to take on the babies once ready.
Please don't start shooting me down for offering to take eggs on. |
 Three corns, a dog, a cat, 2 kids and a future husband, Yes its a MAD HOUSE in leicester area.
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2036 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2012 : 21:09:16
quote: Originally posted by cattNmo
unable to freeze feel
Please don't start shooting me down for offering to take eggs on.
I'm not trying to shoot you down
Just wondering why anyone would be unable to freeze - ? due to morals?? Its such an easy way to stop the embryo from further developing.
I think its great that you are offering to take on eggs, but responsible keeping should prevent these accidents from occuring in the first instance |
Lilly Crystal Harry 1.2.0 corns, 1.1.0 cats tropical guppies who continually breed
182 Posts |
Posted - 09/04/2012 : 16:25:06
Yes responsible keeping should stop this but we all know it sometimes happens. Personally I would not have a problem freezing but I know that some people don't like the idea. I am just offering another answer. |
 Three corns, a dog, a cat, 2 kids and a future husband, Yes its a MAD HOUSE in leicester area.
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5292 Posts |
Posted - 09/04/2012 : 16:42:29
quick q, when eggs are frozen how long do u have to leave them in for? |
1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon) 0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie) 0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo) 1.0.0 Cat (Angus) 1 mealworm colony RIP Skye x Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx
182 Posts |
Posted - 09/04/2012 : 17:50:40
I'm not to sure really. But I guess if you gave them 24 hours they would way pass the point of no return. |
 Three corns, a dog, a cat, 2 kids and a future husband, Yes its a MAD HOUSE in leicester area.
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