what gorgeous babies the honey is particularly attractive- loving those complex head markings
looking like an excellent start to the hatching season for you- congratulations !!
and you thought there was no such thing as a stupid question....
1.2.0 corns: captain haddock, sharon the tiddler and Darling Debbie. plus 0.2.0 cali kings: spot and Numpty... not forgetting the delightful Miss Lovely-Gonzalez-La-Poop apricot pueblan milk snake, and we all miss the Lodger who thought he was a cobra....
Thank you so much for your comments! Yeah she is a great start to the year! I will post pics after her first shed and keep you up dated!
The Parents were Sunkissed ph Caramel Bloodred X Sunkissed ph Caramel Bloodred!
Had 7 eggs laid (1 Honey, 6 Sunkissed) and she then double clutch with a further 17 eggs so hoping for a few more Honeys and maybe prove out the Bloodred!
Next lot of eggs due to hatch at the end of the week! :)