of 4
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3556 Posts
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:48:53
Any of the above for Connie tomorrow please guys. She is going in to have her retained eggs surgically removed and hopefully spayed as well. She is a tough girl so hopefully she will be ok but there is always uncertainty with anaesthetics and she really isn't a happy girl at the moment. I will update with any news as I get it
4.1.0 corns - Izzy (Carolina) Alice (Amel) Peanut (Butter Motley) Swayze (Ghost) Carmellia (Butter Motley) 0.1.0 cat - Kizzy 1.0.0 Dog - Dobbie Location - Chesterfield,
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2382 Posts
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:52:41
thinking of you and connie. hope it all goes well x
1.0 western hognose (hero) 1.0 phantom reverse pin dal brindle crested gecko (goyle) 0.2 red dal red harly (sprite) 99% full pin Harley crested gecko (TuLong) 0.0.3 miomantis paykullii 0.0.3 Bombina orientalis (oriental fire bellied toad) 0.3 fancy mice (snap, crackle and pop) 1.0 yorkshire terrier (jasper) 2.1 cats (echo, shadow and pokey)
The Scottish Admin
United Kingdom
5319 Posts
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:53:23
hope all goes well KD, good luck to Connie
it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 00:32:41
Hope it goes well xx
0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
4334 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 00:39:41
Fingers crossed all goes perfectly
Anery Corn snake SPOT. Royal Python, DUKE. Hogg Island Boa, SANKE. Albino House Snake, HAL. Harlequin Crested Gecko HARLEY Albino Horned Frog WAKA Chilean Rose Tarantula TRIXIE. Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird-eating Tarantula SAM. Orange Baboon Tarantula BORIS. Giant Asian Forest Scorpion, SALLY. Giant African Land Snails, SHELDON & MICHELLE. Budwing Mantis, MAIA Dubia Roach Colony. Silkworm Colony. Mealworm Colony. Waxworm Colony. Fruit Beetle Colony. MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL
Snake Mite
49 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 03:22:37
All the best to Connie and to you, that's not an easy wait
United Kingdom
736 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 09:41:06
Everything crossed here for you both.
Jane. Oscar Black Lab, Saffron, Merlin and Mischief the cats, assorted fish, Rhubarb & Custard the corns, Tuppence the Tortoise, Tripod the Leopard Gecko.
qeeun speler
United Kingdom
6129 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 09:42:09
Hope it goes well for you both. I've seen the operation online to remove eggs and it looks far better than I thought it would be! Think you will have to save a choccy mouse for her when she gets better.
A very special super, duper thanks for K :3
Edited by - Sta~ple on 27/03/2012 09:42:55
United Kingdom
391 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 09:53:36
hope all goes well hun fingers crossed :)
1.0 Caroliner - Ozzy 1.0 caramel Bloodred - Damon 0.1 sulfor - Stella 0.1 moonstone - letti 1.0 lavender - tazz 0.1 amber opal - salt 0.2 cats buffy & narla
United Kingdom
71 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 10:10:52
Fingers crossed all is fine
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5292 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 10:26:48
virtual hugs to u both
1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon) 0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie) 0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo) 1.0.0 Cat (Angus) 1 mealworm colony RIP Skye x Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx
Okeetee Mick
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2308 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 10:41:51
Hope all goes well
0.1.0 Okeetee (Sookie) 0.1.0 Powder (Luna) 0.1.0 Bloodred (Arlene) 0.1.0 Caramel Stripe (Tara) 0.1.0 Ghost (Crystal) 0.1.0 Caramel (Jessica) 0.1.0 Lavender Stripe (Portia) 1.0.0 Platinum (Godric) 0.1.0 Thayers King (Lettie Mae) 0.1.0 Albino Blairs King (Lorena) 0.1.0 Russian Ratsnakes (Pam) 0.1.0 Korean Ratsnake (Katerina) 1.0.0 Russian Ratsnake (Lafayette)
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1002 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 12:01:17
Good luck!! May be a really dumb question but it is just a case of removing her womb or ovaries or something to prevent her from producing any more? If so then hopefully it'll be a simple procedure fingers crossed for you both!
Wanna know what animals I keep? Check out :) Location: Surrey/Bournemouth
United Kingdom
412 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 12:28:06
hoping she will be fine
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2214 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 12:50:22
Good luck to Connie, hope it all goes well for her
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
4494 Posts
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1272 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 13:58:08
Hope all goes well!!
0.1.0 - Cat - Tallulah 0.0.1 - Carolina Corn Snake - Lilith
smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5091 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 14:23:27
Oh no, I hope all is going OK! Poor thing - at least hopefully after today she will be home safe, well, and at no risk of any more eggs in the future xxx
United Kingdom
378 Posts
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3556 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 18:08:48
Good News! She is out of surgery and starting to wake up. The next 24 hours are critical but she is ok at the moment. The awkward mare laid the egg closest to her vent herself just as she went under the anaesthetic so that just left the one higher up to remove which wasn't showing signs of going anywhere. The vet only managed to remove one oviduct and ovary as she couldn't find the other one. From what I can remember she said that there was nothing else there that looked like viable oviduct. The incision was quite long but has come together nicely and Connie is now sporting a lovely bandage. She is still at the vets and I have got to ring in the morning to see how she is and find out when I can bring her home. I am so relieved and am just hopeful that she recovers well and this is the end of her problems. Thanks for all the good wishes guys. It's good to know you are all here for support
4.1.0 corns - Izzy (Carolina) Alice (Amel) Peanut (Butter Motley) Swayze (Ghost) Carmellia (Butter Motley) 0.1.0 cat - Kizzy 1.0.0 Dog - Dobbie Location - Chesterfield,
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5292 Posts
Posted - 27/03/2012 : 18:10:08
oh thats a relief! Hope you can bring her home soon :) you need to decorate her bandage to bring her spirits back up :)
1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon) 0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie) 0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo) 1.0.0 Cat (Angus) 1 mealworm colony RIP Skye x Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx
of 4