Hi need some advice please. I have a corn snake that i have had for about 6 / 7 months, not sure how old he is. He has shed twice, the second shed was very quick. He hasnt eaten in 5 weeks and his colouring on his belly is changing. he was white and now turning a very dark orange from the middle to the end, and his black squares on his belly are changing too. He is active inside and outside of his tank, so i am not sure what is wrong with him or what to do? Any advice would be great.
Pics would be great. I wouldnt worry too much about not eating for 5 weeks. Believe me, they can go a lot lot longer without feeding. Main thing is that he doesnt loose much wieght. My King never ate for 4 months and hardly lost a gram! I have a carolina that belly changed in colour to like an light brown/orangy colour. I think that is normal. But pics would help someone tell you more...