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United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 19:37:48
Im a bit mault. We have taken in a Boa, lovely girl. Only 2ish so not massive yet and she shed early in the week.
The lad who wanted her gone was feeding her on chicks?! So we offerd her a nice defrosted warm rat. She sized it up, left it over night and nothing. So removed it.
Defrosted and Offered her a chick this afternoon as worried she hadnt eaten and she took it.
What do we do? Will chicks harm her? |
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
Edited by - gmac on 21/11/2010 19:38:54 |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3070 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 20:09:03
From what i've read they arn't very nutricious so it would certainly be in the snakes best interests for you to try and get it feeding on rats. |
0.0.1 Ghost Corn - Casper 0.0.1 Diffused Corn - Reggie 0.0.1 Amel Corn - Candy A.K.A Baby 1.0 Commom BCI - Rocky
0.1 Japanese Akita - Sasha
Location: Liverpool |
United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 21:01:52
eeeek will try again x |
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
The Corn Snake Moderator
United Kingdom
3348 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 21:06:27
day old chicks are no good to a boa as a staple,try scenting a rat with a chick or just keep trying with rats every fortnight until hes hungry enough.You say hes lttle,how big is she? any pics? |

United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 21:35:49
a pic of her just before shed. so should defrost a chick & rat together and try with the rat?
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
45 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 21:52:16
a chick is way too small for her try as hard as u can |
United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 22:00:28
will try again on friday, wish me luck going to need it :( |
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
our battery charger
United Kingdom
3063 Posts |
Posted - 21/11/2010 : 22:42:14
try a gerbil, if u can get her to take that then its a good way to try get her to rats |
0.1.0 creamsicle corn-Marmalade 1.0.0 jungle carpet python-Bumble 1.0.0 corn Casper
The Corn Snake Moderator
United Kingdom
3348 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2010 : 12:44:52
quote: Originally posted by Inkygirl
will try again on friday, wish me luck going to need it :(
i would leave it 2 weeks to really get her appitite up |

United Kingdom
2197 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2010 : 16:03:48
I agree with Lee , Give her some time to get very hungry then try scent the rat with the chick or you could try using chicken stock ? |
0.0.0 Royal Python Het Pied 100% CB10 - Chaos 1.1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa CB10 - Bow/Mayhem 0.1.0 Cornsnake Amel Het Motley CB10 - Fire 1.0.0 Cornsnake Caramel Het Motley CB09 - Whisky 1.0.0 Cornsnake Snow Het Stripe CB07 - Romeo - R.I.P
1.0.0 Super Golden Labrador Dog CB02 - Bailey

Wish List: 1.2.0 Royal Python - Pastel , Pinstripe , Lesser. |
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 23/11/2010 : 17:05:02
if i was you, and as you have a healthy weighted snake, leave it, keep trying her on rats, until she takes it, at some point she will. at that size, you probably have near on 8 months to a year before it dies of starvation, she wont let that happen. |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 13:01:34
she has taken another chick. leaving her 2 weeks now hopefully get her hungry and then 'brain' the rat? x |
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 16:55:11
2 weeks wont make any difference, as i said, you got near on 8 months before anything bad happens, snakes go a long long time without needing or wanting food. You give her chicks, she will just wait for another chick, food is not food when it comes to boas and chicks. |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
United Kingdom
256 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2010 : 18:29:40
thanks mike will leave her a few weeks then. i know in my head she will be fine, but cant help worry all the same lol x |
1 Bearded Dragon, Gino 1 Terrapin, Tulip 1 Iguana, Edward 3 Corns Cora, Travis,Leon and Angus 1 Normal Royal Python, Lexi 1 Boa Constrictor, Zara 1 Granite Burmese Python Bernie
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