while handling Marge tonight marge decided to curl her self around the back of my neck,she was a bit lively and quick bit she started "pulsing"for want of a better word. She wasn'ttrying to move just doing this funny wiggle arounnd the back of my neck.it not only fely a bit odd but i got up and looked in a mirror and i looked even stranger, there was a tight s moving up and down her body. she has always been a perfect lady and never even rattled at me.
Not sure Glyn. It does sound a bit like something Kellog does, with the pulsing and s-shape to the body and I have put it down to him using his muscles to hold on around my neck or wherever he is that he is feeling a bit insecure. It is amazing the way they move their muscles and what it looks like.
Only thing I can think Marge might have been doing....
both mine do this too. Colin has always done it. Like Kellog I put it down to natural reasons like trying to grip or perhaps stretching their muscles like some kind of snakey work out.
1.1.0 Amel Corns Colin and Xena 1.0.0 Dog Talan 1.1.0 Cats Wotsit and Willow 1.0.0 Ferret Chaos