please can someone help me i have just got my frist corn snake, he is about 2 years old, (did not get a baby as my friend's keepet getting out.) when i got him home i picked him up and he was fine, so far so good. i put him back in his tank and whent back to him about 5-6 hours later and when i picked him up his tail started vibrating very fast and he did not look happy. why is this and was he going to bite me? and will he get out of this?
hi Mikey, he`s just settling into a new home. The best thing you can do is to leave him alone for about a week and then handle him more and more starting off from a few minutes building time up. He may have tried to bite you or he may have just given a warning strike but if he had have bit you it would have been like a paper cut. When you do eventually take him out don`t hesitate or show any sign of uncertainty as the snake will sense it and will be nervous himself.
had thor a week now and did exactly wot jonb has said took him out this morning <mainly to check him over> for 5 min he wasnt too happy but wen he was out the viv he was fine an havin a gud look round, seems alot more settled than last week aswell crusin round the viv an watchin me wen he thinks i dont notice