fed him last night a large mouse which was a big one and he struck and constricted it but he came out this mornin and i can't even see a lump does that mean i have to put him up to jumbo mice cos the reptile shop looked at him cos the woman says she gave him 2 small mice and that did'nt seem right to me cos of the size of him so the shop said he looks like he will take large mice and said he will give me dfferent size of large ones and like i said he has no lump in his body after last night.
[Quote] A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein.
whatever you're feeding it should be no bigger than 1.5 times the snakes' body width. as different places grade mice differently it might be worth asking your supplier if you can have a look at their 'jumbo' mice to get an idea of size. alternatively you could always feed 2 'large' ones
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos