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41 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 12:13:37
would like peoples feed back please. do most of your corns become relatively inactive prior to going into shed, if so how long before and do you do anything. up until 2 weeks ago both rosie and sunny would become active at around 5-6pm every day and stay active for the evening. after feeding they would hide away for approx 2 days and then revert back to normal activity. this i thought sounded quite normal as they were now not hunting food. after their feed 2 weeks ago, which was rosies first time on two pinkies, she became inactive, IE don't see her about in the faunarium. she does move during the night because her hiding spot changes between hot and cold end. when you get her out to handle she appears to act normally alert and moving well. i wait until they become active before i feed them, thinking along the lines that they will prowl the viv for food when they are hungry. hence when rosie hasn't been out and about i considered she may be in pre shed, which also seems likely as she is now 8 weeks old and i was expecting her to shed soon. i left her all this last week checking her every couple of days she appears to have gone dull but not a definite blue eyes, but this could have come and gone between checks. she has had a bath in the week, and i have placed some damp spagnum moss in the viv. have any of you experienced this fairly long process if it is indeed a shed cycle, and would you dig her out of her hide and offer food. sunny became inactive in the same way after his last feed last week, has become inactive in the same way, but better suspected a shed and had it confirmed when i just checked him as his eyes are definitely blue. however his last shed was only 29/9/08, so quite a short cycle. i have checked him for parasites, after he had a few mites when i first got him 8 weeks ago, but he has appeared clear for the last 7 weeks. further info for reference, viv's are 29c hot end 22c cold end, and just bought a hygrometer and the humidity is 64% .
apologies for the length of the post, but thank you in advance for your ideas. a new keeper trying not to get over stressed, so far all my previous concerns, and worries have proved to be unfounded. hopefully she will shed in the next few days and i can put it down to another learning experience.
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
3093 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 13:14:49
They can go a bit inactive before a shed, and the blue eye takes a few days of dulling first too.
I think they are probably shedding, if the temps are constant. Sometimes they may become inactive if it's cold, but that doesn't seem to be the reason this time. |

41 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 13:40:11
thanks for your reply, would you leave them alone until they become active again or would you dig them out and offer food |
The Count of Corniness
United Kingdom
4428 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 16:05:36
I would leave them be. offer them food once they have shed |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1640 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 16:32:05
I dig mine out and feed them. It depends whether yours eat during shed or not, my Dusk lets nothing get in the way of his meals, even if he can't see properly while he's in blue ^^. |
1.0.0 Normal corn snake - Dusk 0.1.0 Strawberry Snow Stripe corn snake - Dawn 0.1.0 Harlequin Crested Gecko - Stickles 1.0.0 Sable Syrian Hamster - CoCo 0.1.0 Hognose snake - Truffles |
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
3093 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 17:28:14
All my corns eat while they are in shed, but not all will. Depends on the snake. You can try  |

cumbrian eejit
United Kingdom
305 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 17:44:38
i offer cecil his feed during shedding, if he takes it, he takes it. if he don't then it go's. its usually only 1 feed he misses so nothing to get worried about. |
lost track of the day's now, but I'm getting my amel stripe corn on the 2nd of August!!! |
The Count of Corniness
United Kingdom
4428 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 17:45:12
My snake will eat, but if she doesnt i have wasted a mouse Zavvi wont want it either. |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1400 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 20:50:40
some of mine hide away just before a shed |
1 amel 1 okeette 2 normals 1 rosy rat x 3 royals
 1 cali king 1 publean milk 1 yemen chameleon 2 orange spotted agamas 1 colombian rainbow boa |
41 Posts |
Posted - 16/10/2008 : 10:35:41
how excited/relieved am i . rosie is fine . i thought these snakes where easy to keep, and i have to keep telling myself that. in the early stages until you have actually seen something for yourself and get to learn the idiosyncrasies of your individual snakes it can be very traumatic, worrying that their is something wrong only to find out that all is fine. changes with rosie over the last 2 weeks have been very subtle, probably because there has been days between handling due to my thinking that if she wants to hide away she wants to be alone, and leaving her be, this may mean that some changes have occurred without me realistic. any way yesterday morning i got sunny out briefly to check and he is definitely blue. got him out to change the moss in his hide due to help him shed in one piece after he shed in bits 3 weeks ago, and his eyes are now clear. not worried about him in the slightest as he is following the same pattern he did last time, expect to see him shed today or tomorrow. any way got rosie out to have another check of her last night and decided to offer her a feed, as she hasn't fed for 2 weeks. placed her in her small feeding box and she became interested almost straight away, however instead of eating she started to rub her head very hard on the paper towel in the box, and lo and behold up she comes with a fold of skin round her neck, i removed the pinkie as not to distract her and over the next 5 mins she circled the box and in front of my very eyes she shed perfectly in one piece, it was almost like she was getting ready and dressed for dinner. placed her nice hot, brained pinkie back in the box and she eat it straight away. i appears her shed cycle is fairly long and she hides away for quite a while before shedding, but now i know i won't panic next time. i remember a post on here a while back about whether snakes align their shed cycles, i wonder if that is why sunny is shedding so soon after his last, looks like he will now shed within a day of her. any way a big thank you to all the people that gave advice, i feel at time like a new dad worrying about the slightest thing, only to be shown it's natural behavior. |
41 Posts |
Posted - 17/10/2008 : 22:17:14
got home from work tonight and sunny had shed, measured 20.5 inches still unsure of his age, presume an 08 hatchling. fed well on a large pinkie. rosie measured 15 inches at 9 weeks. be interested to see how much they grow to their next shed. all normality has also been resumed they where both exploring their vivs tonight. |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1640 Posts |
Posted - 18/10/2008 : 16:37:51
Yay! Great to hear ^^ |
1.0.0 Normal corn snake - Dusk 0.1.0 Strawberry Snow Stripe corn snake - Dawn 0.1.0 Harlequin Crested Gecko - Stickles 1.0.0 Sable Syrian Hamster - CoCo 0.1.0 Hognose snake - Truffles |
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