i have a 15 year old corn not had him very long about 2 weeks i stoped handeling him tried leaveing mice in overnight still cant get him to feed. up i till i got him the old owner had no problems getting him to feed.if i leave him is there any signs when he might be ready to feed.or being with the old owner all this time he dont wont to feed in a new home.also he is in the same viv with the same temp.
is the mouse thoroughly defrosted and then fed warm? I use a plastic tub over a mug of boiling water to get mice up to feeding temperature for the cornsnakes, for the Royal and Dumerils i put the mouse in an unscented (and new and clean!!) nappy bag in a mug of hot water to really get the heat into it.
I know you've said before about not being able to do the photobucket thing (it took me months!) so if you're Leeds/Selby/York area i'd volunteer to pop round and check your setup is ok.
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos Location:Leeds/York/Selby area
Ask the owner how he used to feed it. Maybe the snake jsut doesn't realise it's food if you are doing something different to what the previous owner did.
Ask about whether he was fed inside or outside the viv, whether he ate mice or rats, whether they were warmed up or room temp, even daft stuff like did he like white rodents or dark coloured rodents?
Simple things sometimes make a difference.
2 weeks without a feed should be alright. He probably is just settling in so don't worry too much at this stage.