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113 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2008 :  14:34:44  Show Profile
I know this may be a bit of a long shot, but is there anyone using this site who can recommend a place to buy pinkies etc in or around Manchester? I have used the same supplier since I bought my snake but lately the pinkies seem to have an odd smell when defrosted, and my snake does'nt seem as keen to feed. Also, some of the pinkies have white patches on them but the guy in the shop assures me its just the way they are frozen(in a simialr way as chocolate goes white in the fridge) this correct?


United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2008 :  19:07:23  Show Profile
I don't know the answer I am afraid. I bought my fisrt pinkies yesterday- they did smell I have to admit, but I am not sure if that is normal. I got them from a pet shop in town (Manchester).

0.1.1 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata) CB07 Jasper (Amelanastic) CB07 Chicomecoatl (Anerythristic Aztec)
1.0.0 Royal Python (Python regius) CB07 Tibo (Normal)
1.1.0 California Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula californiae) CB05 Luka (B&W Banded) CB06 Lucien (Albino Banded)

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118 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2008 :  21:56:28  Show Profile
hi, dont know if this helps but i have always found any defrosted mouse to stink lol

and white spots r common too, you could try another pet shop?

mine didnt sell anything like that but ordered in for me and now sell lots!
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The Corn Snake Admin

United Kingdom
3093 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2008 :  12:00:20  Show Profile  Visit Kazerella's Homepage
I've had problems with the mice over the last few months. Maybe it's a winter thing?

I prefer to use rats for my snakes because they don't seem to be as hacky as mice. They don't smell as much and seem to have more felsh about them instead of that flabby, waterery feel.

The corns don't seem to mind, in fact my biggest corn seems to prefer rats. Shame my royal is picky- I have to buy mice for her

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201 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2008 :  10:47:07  Show Profile
if your still looking for a new food supplier i came across one at the weekend that you may be interested in. It`s called Stockport tortoise and reptile centre, i literally saw it as i was driving through Stockport and stopped and went in and it is excellent inside, not very big but they had lots of different snakes, inc various corns and lots of lizards and all the accessories you could need from vivs,heat mats, lighting and much more. I bought some fuzzies and they are fine.

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113 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2008 :  17:13:19  Show Profile
Cheers Jonb, I'll check it out soon.
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United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2008 :  19:44:47  Show Profile
hey jonb,
where in Stockport is this shop? Sounds handy for me!

0.1.1 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata) CB07 Jasper (Amelanastic) CB07 Chicomecoatl (Anerythristic Aztec)
1.0.0 Royal Python (Python regius) CB07 Tibo (Normal)
1.1.0 California Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula californiae) CB05 Luka (B&W Banded) CB06 Lucien (Albino Banded)

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201 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2008 :  22:08:40  Show Profile
i`ve found my receipt with the address on and it is:-
If you visit `Pets at Home` in Stockport he parks his van outside as a mobile advertisement and his phone number is on the side, and he is about 10 mins drive from there.
Hope this helps.

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United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2008 :  20:05:01  Show Profile
Many thanks. I shall go pay them a visit soon!

0.1.1 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata) CB07 Jasper (Amelanastic) CB07 Chicomecoatl (Anerythristic Aztec)
1.0.0 Royal Python (Python regius) CB07 Tibo (Normal)
1.1.0 California Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula californiae) CB05 Luka (B&W Banded) CB06 Lucien (Albino Banded)

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United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 21/03/2008 :  20:02:55  Show Profile
Called in today. They have a good selection of reptiles, including many snakes and tortoises and sell all the basics for keeping reptiles. Definately worth calling in if you are local. I noticed the van parked up on the A6 the other morning for advertising purposes I guess :)

0.1.1 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata) CB07 Jasper (Amelanastic) CB07 Chicomecoatl (Anerythristic Aztec)
1.0.0 Royal Python (Python regius) CB07 Tibo (Normal)
1.1.0 California Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula californiae) CB05 Luka (B&W Banded) CB06 Lucien (Albino Banded)

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United Kingdom
384 Posts

Posted - 28/03/2008 :  16:55:56  Show Profile
Found annother reptile store in Stockport thats worth a visit:

Stockport Pet Warehouse

0.1.1 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata) CB07 Jasper (Amelanastic) CB07 Chicomecoatl (Anerythristic Aztec)
1.0.0 Royal Python (Python regius) CB07 Tibo (Normal)
1.1.0 California Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula californiae) CB05 Luka (B&W Banded) CB06 Lucien (Albino Banded)

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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1060 Posts

Posted - 28/03/2008 :  18:24:31  Show Profile  Click to see Leyrielton2's MSN Messenger address
I get mine from a place near Leeds, dont know if thats abit far out for you but his pinkys are good quality. Check out the website

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