T O P I C R E V I E W |
jack the mainprize |
Posted - 29/03/2012 : 20:26:14 my friends been trying to get his to breed for a couple of weeks now but as soon as he brought them they locked within the hour and my two adults locked within 30 seconds so hopefully gunna have a busy couple of months ahead of us  |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
kev 5 |
Posted - 30/03/2012 : 19:54:41 i put my pairs together 3 times with a 3 day break inbetween |
marc_sg |
Posted - 29/03/2012 : 21:42:48 some people do 3 days of then put them back together i left it 5 and had locks everytime they were together |
jack the mainprize |
Posted - 29/03/2012 : 20:28:18 how often do you think we should put them together ? |