T O P I C R E V I E W |
kdlang |
Posted - 09/03/2012 : 10:19:49 Well what I had feared would happen has happened. I went to check on Connie last night as she has had some retained shed on her and I wanted to see if the damp hide had helped her to get it off. There was nothing in that hide so I lifted her warm hide to get her out and there in the middle of the heatmat was an egg. I think it was the only one but can't be certain that she wasn't covering any others as I replaced the hide straight away to avoid disturbing her too much.
So I'm looking for advice please on a plan of action. Last year she took nearly 2 weeks to lay about 13 eggs. I don't know if it was initial lack of preparation that made it take so long or that she was distubed every couple of days for checks, baths or vet trips. Should I leave her alone for an extended period of time and just hope that she passes them herself or should I check her every couple of days like last time and assist in any way I can. I have already got a laybox in her viv but I am going to put more different ones in again as I ended up doing last year even though she laid quite a few out in the open.
I must state that these will definitely be infertile eggs. At no point in the last 5 years has she been with a male.
For anyone unfamiliar with what happened last year, these are the threads I posetd about it. http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=15941&SearchTerms=eggs http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=15966&SearchTerms=eggs http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16062&SearchTerms=eggs |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
kdlang |
Posted - 06/04/2012 : 18:47:20 Hi Mike. She is doing well. This is the thread with all the updates on the op http://www.thecornsnake.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22762
The only thing that is concerning me at the moment is that she hasn't passed any waste. She had another 4g mouse yesterday whch she has eaten fine so she does at least have an appetite. We are back at the vets in the morning for a check up so will have more to update then. The wound is looking good though. No weeping or bleeding so will hopefully heal up well. |
mikerichards |
Posted - 06/04/2012 : 14:31:14 How did you get on?? |
mikerichards |
Posted - 28/03/2012 : 09:40:21 quote: Originally posted by kdlang
Sorry for the delay everyone but it has been a hectic day. The latest is that the eggs are still stuck. The frustrating thing is that one had started moving but it has stopped again just short of her vent. The other one is still way back and if anything has moved back an inch. So she is booked in tomorrow for an op. The hope is that they will be able to manipulate the one out that is near her vent while she is under anaesthetic and more relaxed so that she has as few incisions as possible. So fingers crossed now that all goes well and she comes out of it the other side.
Thats a bugger, fingers crossed that she pulls through it well for you. Reading back, i think you are right, Ketamine wasnt really the right thing, probably better with Oxytocin, thats the natural hormone that gives her the contractions to lay in the first place, if that runs out in her system, then you end up with an egg bound female! Hopefully you wont have to go through this again. |
Georgina |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:26:58 tought with you for tomorrow x |
kdlang |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:26:04 Sorry for the delay everyone but it has been a hectic day. The latest is that the eggs are still stuck. The frustrating thing is that one had started moving but it has stopped again just short of her vent. The other one is still way back and if anything has moved back an inch. So she is booked in tomorrow for an op. The hope is that they will be able to manipulate the one out that is near her vent while she is under anaesthetic and more relaxed so that she has as few incisions as possible. So fingers crossed now that all goes well and she comes out of it the other side. |
Katie.Dublin |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 19:37:34 Well how is she? |
smart bunny |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 19:22:41 Hope things went OK today xx |
ScalySituation |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 13:35:28 poor little lassie, really hope she comes out from this ok |
Corns7 |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 22:47:01 Hope everything goes ok for you and connive  |
xolderfog |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 22:19:33 Hey, I really hope your girl pulls through and it sounds like you have found yourself a great vet to do the op for you :) All the best for the both of you... Just a quick question because I have a female myself and i am quite new to keeping but I was just wondering if this was quite a common thing to happen on an annual basis, I know that this has happened to you for the last couple of years but I just want to know what I am up against and if it is quite likely or not to happen to me? All the best to you and Connie! And thanks for keeping us updated :) |
nickyff |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 21:40:31 poor connie, and poor you, going through all this again- but at least you know this time is the last egg-stress for you both, and that next year she'll be all light and liberated when her internal baby-machinery is gone!  best of luck for when they do her op- xx do you know what the recovery-period is likely to be? |
kdlang |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 21:31:01 Well when I got Connie out to take her to the vets this morning, I found that one of the eggs has moved quite a bit and was only an inch or so away from her vent. The other one didnt seem to have moved at all so I went along to the vets anyway. She manipulated the one that hadn't moved a bit and was able to move it a bit so she is going to give Connie another couple of days to see if they will move any more. She has given her another calcium injection and a ketamine injection in order to help her muscles relax and hopefully allow it to move (although after reading up on Ketamine I'm not really sure if thats going to do any good or not) I'm to keep giving her a bath each day to try and get things moving although I haven't given her one tonight as she was pretty sluggish earlier after the ketamine. Iv got to ring back on Monday. And so the saga continues.. |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 18:36:42 Hope it goes ok |
mkmattyk |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:36:57 a BIG GOOD luck to you and connie tomorrow kdlang |
Donnie |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 16:13:09 Good luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well |
smart bunny |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 09:54:22 I'm thinking of you both, all the best for Connie xx |
kdlang |
Posted - 23/03/2012 : 00:00:37 Well after a bath last night, one of the remaining eggs has moved down 1.5-2 inches but the other is still in the same place. She is booked in at the vets again tomorrow morning so wish us luck guys.
Stapey - Ambivets at Ripley. I usually see Paul at the Heanor branch but they are having a major refit so we are seeing Yvette at Ripley this time and I think surgery has moved there too. I don't mind as Ripley is closer to me than Heanor. |
Sta~ple |
Posted - 22/03/2012 : 22:17:40 quote: Originally posted by kdlang
Thanks everyone. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed she does the job herself. She has gone back into her laybox since we got back yesterday and I'm just resisting checking on her until I have to. Might attempt a bath tonight if still no joy.
She is definitely going to be snipped no matter what. The poor girl really wasn't happy with being messed with yesterday.
I was reassured talking to the vet yesterday as she spoke about other operations they were doing on snakes, one to remove a tumour and another c-section. They way they were spoken about made it sound as common as surgery on dogs so I feel confident that she is safe in their hands.
Were are you getting it done? Think I will have to have a serious think about it for Char... |
tordyjo |
Posted - 22/03/2012 : 13:44:42 hope she lays for you and gets sorted x |
ozziesmum |
Posted - 21/03/2012 : 10:51:48 Bless her, if Connie does have to have a C section can they do the snip at the same time to save having to operate a second time? |