T O P I C R E V I E W |
pompey666 |
Posted - 18/04/2011 : 12:01:00 hi all my corn laid her first egg yesterday but she did it outside the nest box so i had to take it out now she hasnt laid anymore in 14 hrs not sure if i desturbed her or weather she is strugling when shoul i be worried if she hasnt laid anymore or is there a chance that she only had 1 egg thanks in advance |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
pompey666 |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 23:00:30 all eggs now coverd with moss so fingers crossed now |
pompey666 |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 22:44:41 thanks again for all your help now just got to wait and c as she is a normal and male is anery but dont no if any hets so maybe lucky will have to c thanks again |
gingerpony |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 21:24:11 as above^^ don't try to separate them, half bury the lower ones in vermiculite and i'd recommend covering the rest of the clutch with damp sphagnum moss. this will help stabilize humidity for the eggs not in the vermiculite, help stabilize temps when you lift the lid off the incubator to check them, protect them from drips from condensation and help prevent mould growth
and congrats!! that's a huge clutch she laid for you!!!  |
kdlang |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 14:12:11 From what I have read during my troubles this last week the first egg is kind of like the plug and the others can follow a couple of days later. I think I am also right in saying don't seperate the eggs as it can tear them and kill them. Just put them in as they are and try not to turn any.
I would wait for someone more experienced to comment tho as this is only from what I have read over this last week. |
pompey666 |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 13:45:21 sorry one more thing the eggs are all togeather do i need to seperate them so they can be sunk in to the vermiculite or do i just leave them in the incubator dont want to seperate them if its gona harm them thanks again |
pompey666 |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 13:41:00 hi everyone just an update ive just woken from my night shift and checked on regina and she has laid the one he laid the other day and another 29 eggs were in there today some are not good i belive tho as some are really yellow and creamy looking they are all int the incubator at the moment should i take out the bad ones thnks for all your help ginerpony i didnt think she would lay another 29 eggs 30hrs after the first one |
gingerpony |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 08:23:28 if it's 29*C in the box that should be fine, might be worth offering her another laying box with sphagnum moss in, half on/half off the heatmat so it's a little cooler, just to give her a choice to encourage her  |
pompey666 |
Posted - 19/04/2011 : 00:19:55 ok thanks the tub is directly on the heat mat and the vermiculite is damp i will double check the temps with a second thermometre just in case but at the moment it is 29 in the box is this to hot or cold i will keep a close eye on her tomorow as am off work thanks again for all your help |
gingerpony |
Posted - 18/04/2011 : 21:05:23 ok, at least we know she's gravid with fertile eggs  it sounds a reasonable size nesting box and i use vermiculite too though it does end up coating the snake. are you using it damp? is the hide in the warm end of the viv? if you're using a tub that has a bottom to it the plastic will insulate some of the heat away from snake.......have you moved the stat and thermometer probes to inside the laying box? if not i'd try to discreetly poke a thermometer probe in with her to make sure the laying box isn't too cold and putting her off using it and the fact she's managed to pass some poo is a good sign she's not bloocked up or eggbound, i'd sit tight for another 24hrs and give us another update  |
pompey666 |
Posted - 18/04/2011 : 20:08:02 yes she has been deliberately bred from the box is about 10in by 10in like a washing up bowl with a lid it has vermiculite could she be holding off cause i took her egg she was in the box but the egg was on the paper in the viv is there anything ican do its been like 24hrs now should i just leave alone for another 24hrs she came out and had a poo earlier is that a good sign thanks again for ur reply |
gingerpony |
Posted - 18/04/2011 : 12:25:51 what's your nesting box like? there might be a reason she doesn't want to use it so she might try and hang onto the eggs meaning she could become eggbound if she doesn't find a suitable place to lay also, she been deliberately bred from? |