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 Reptile food recommendations

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fowler Posted - 29/06/2019 : 14:58:27
Hi all,

I've got two corns and used A&N Frozen Reptile Food for years. They were a bit dearer than a lot of suppliers, but I felt confident their rodents were quality.

Since they went out of business, I've been using a local reptile shop for rats, but my corns have both been regularly skipping meals. I'd like to try out another supplier, but am conscious of the quality of some of the online suppliers.

I don't mind paying a bit more if I know the quality of the rodents are going to be good. If anyone has any suggestions they'd be very much appreciated.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kez Posted - 07/07/2019 : 20:40:35
No problem :-)
Fowler Posted - 07/07/2019 : 18:03:09
I'll take a look, much appreciated, thanks Kez.
Kez Posted - 02/07/2019 : 11:47:42
I have only ordered frozen food a couple of times, when I was ill, as I usually go in store to buy them. Northampton Reptile Centre is who I use and have never had any issues with their frozen food. The website is

I hope this helps.

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