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 Advice on mat Vs Lamp

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hyds_Geek Posted - 14/01/2017 : 20:45:44

We have a 2 year old amel corn 'indy'...
Today we bought a new viv as he was quickly out growing the one we have..
It's a melamine vivexotic 2.8ft. The shop we bought it from had a good supply of corns and the chap had been keeping snakes for 40 years.
He recommended we go for a 'red bulb' element with a dimmer stat as opposed to the heat mat set up we have been using from day one..

Apart from the almost constant red glow, does a bulb type heat source really cost significantly more to run compared to a mat with stat??

And is there any advantage to bulb over mat??

Setting up with a dimmer stat, bulb holder, bulb and cover wasn't cheap and I may consider returning it in favour of a mat, stat and mat holder/cover for inside the viv....

We are also picking up a Carolina tomorrow too, we're naming it 'eclipse'....very exited
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Okeetee Mick Posted - 19/01/2017 : 22:09:10
I use mats in conjunction with ceramic heaters but only in my four foot vivs for my Korean & Russian Ratsnakes to maintain the air temperature. I have used the red bulbs but found they didn't last too long. Can't really see the need for anything other than the mat in your case.
ScalySituation Posted - 15/01/2017 : 17:36:20
You do have to bear in mind that although many shops have knowledgeable staff, they are a SHOP. There to make money.
I've always used mats and many of my friends do.
I'd say stick to the mat as you are familiar with them and how they work

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