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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Luke-Gribble Posted - 21/03/2016 : 16:55:56
Hi guys this is my first time posting on here as I'm new.

I have a year and 3 month old sunkist corn and she's about 3ft in length. she is currently in a 3x1x2 viv roughly, would i need to put her in a bigger viv when she get fully older or could i keep her in this one that i have now as she seems very happy in there so far.

Another quick question she seems very slender for her length however she isn't skinny and under weight. do i just have a naturally thin snake or will she bulk up over time?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gaz1974 Posted - 27/03/2016 : 21:40:59
One mouse per week of the same girth as your corn should maintain a healthy weight.
Luke-Gribble Posted - 21/03/2016 : 19:36:29
Thanks, I've been searching for ages on wether they do bulk up after a while as everyone else corns seemed to have so much more girth than mine haha!
Razee Posted - 21/03/2016 : 18:55:12
It depends how big she will grow, for now, 3foot is more than enough. When she's fully grown, you might find it's a bit small if she gets over 3.5 foot, and 4 foot Viv would be better.

Don't worry about her looking thin, yearlings and 2 year olds seem to grow in length first, and then they bulk up later. From what I can see in your picture, she looks in nice condition :-)

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