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 bad smell?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
clodove-xx Posted - 04/09/2012 : 12:23:25
bit of advice needed really, i clean my corn snakes viv every other day but give it a full detox every month bu there is an absolutly foul smell still lingering in the tank, it smells like something has died in there! (nothing is dead i check the bedding) its not my snake causing the smell but no amount of disinfectant will get rid of it, it discuises the smell but its back within days... help :(
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ell Posted - 08/09/2012 : 20:24:40
The only thing I can think of is that its had something in it thats has excreted some sort of bodily fluid inside the chip board before it was sealed and that has started to rot.
If thats the case then no amount of cleaning will fix it x.x
clodove-xx Posted - 07/09/2012 : 14:52:12
i clean it out with special reptile disinfectant costs about £24.99, it smells without the snakes in, yes its second hand bought from someone down south, just smells like really mouldy eggs or bird poo xx
scorpyshake Posted - 05/09/2012 : 12:43:46
Is the viv sealed on the edges ? maybe something has got into a crack, what does it smell like roughly ?
Ell Posted - 04/09/2012 : 21:24:38
Is the viv second hand?
viraleye Posted - 04/09/2012 : 15:06:18
Does the viv smell with or without the snake?
a33272 Posted - 04/09/2012 : 13:17:11
What do u clean with monthly?
clodove-xx Posted - 04/09/2012 : 12:35:46
both really, it goes more after a monthly clean only fades after a daily one x
a33272 Posted - 04/09/2012 : 12:27:50
When u say u can get rid of the smell are you referring to after daily cleans or after a full deep monthly clean

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