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 in blue + feed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Oscar Posted - 02/07/2012 : 12:28:00
its snakeys feeding time again and he is also in blue, this isn't the first time either but i thought i would ask, he so far has always taken his food even when he is in blue should i continue as usual or leave him as he seems ok hasn't turned it down as of yet.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
smart bunny Posted - 03/07/2012 : 04:30:28
Corno eats no matter how deep in blue she is. Ember refuses. I'd leave it up to the snake personally :)
Moppet Posted - 02/07/2012 : 16:59:26
If he normally eats when in blue then I don't think there is any harm in offering food when blue. Apollo has recently eaten whilst blue. Nothing seems to put him off his food!
Dalymad2 Posted - 02/07/2012 : 12:51:37
Mine seem happy eating in blue, i tend to put mine in there feeding rub and check back in 10 min , normally eaten by then or at least latched on.Fortunatley feeding and being in blue does not coincide to often.
Auld Baldy Posted - 02/07/2012 : 12:32:08
It's OK to feed as long as your snake wants to. If it has taken before then go ahead. Some of mine eat even when blue blind, others just refuse.

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