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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulie78 Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:07:30
OMG just had the scare of my life lol this morning doing my usual saturday morning thing eg loud music whilst im pottering about hoovering and cleaning so im picking up bits and bobs i grab my snuggle blanket as its covered in cat hairr again the cats had obviously cammandeered it again overnight lol so i pick it up and undereath theres Eddie!!!! just sat there looking at me lol i didnt even know hed esacped when i checked his viv i obviously hadnt slid the glass back properly all the way across yesterday when i put him back DOH!!!

what a stroke of luck!
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tasha89 Posted - 03/07/2012 : 16:54:56
Originally posted by rachey

god!! that was extremely lucky!
glad hes ok!
im always checking cass's faun :) got out of bed the other night just to check cz i had changed her water and couldnt remember if it was sealed tightly shut lol

i do the same thing i have even walked out the door and gone back into my house to chek that all the vivs and rubs are shut arent the only one!!
Katie.Dublin Posted - 01/07/2012 : 20:30:48
Now THAT is lucky.
paulie78 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 10:18:40
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

jeeeeez you are so lucky!!!!

Yup lesson learnt trust me !! i would have destroyed my flat till id found him otherwise i didnt even know he was loose!!
scottishbluebird Posted - 01/07/2012 : 02:16:12
jeeeeez you are so lucky!!!!
Okeetee Mick Posted - 30/06/2012 : 16:48:05
You are one lucky man, pleased for you
paulie78 Posted - 30/06/2012 : 16:07:51
Originally posted by smart bunny

Lucky snake not to be hoovered up lol! So Eddie's not the most energetic escapee ever then, thank goodness :p

Hes a lazy lad cept when u want cuddles then hes a fidget till he finds a pocket or hood or more recently my friends cleavage lmao (he stayed there for 2 hours!! she said it was comfy )
smart bunny Posted - 30/06/2012 : 15:55:12
Lucky snake not to be hoovered up lol! So Eddie's not the most energetic escapee ever then, thank goodness :p
Roffe Posted - 30/06/2012 : 15:47:25
yikes!! you sure were lucky
nusnakemum Posted - 30/06/2012 : 14:39:48
my goodness super lucky, when i do the loud music hoovering thing i can guarantee on little heads poking out checking i,m doing a thorough job !
crazy JJ Posted - 30/06/2012 : 14:08:33
lol my ickle king got out at some point either when i wernt here or not long after i got back, either way i didnt notice he had escaped and had mum telling me i found a snakie in ya room, the cat was trying to get it... luckily though he is back safe n sound :) so if it makes ya feel better ya not the only one.. glad ya found him safe n sound though and didnt hoover him up ;)
paulie78 Posted - 30/06/2012 : 13:32:02
Originally posted by viraleye

How lucky were you!?!?!

viraleye Posted - 30/06/2012 : 13:30:29
How lucky were you!?!?!
a2c7 Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:44:18
What a lucky catch! I think it's the week for finding escapees! My boyfriend and I are now SO careful with our snakes, everything gets triple checked, there is no "I'll get Ginn out in a moment anyway so I won't lock it" any more.

Little silent, ninja, houdinis, the lot of them.
rachey Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:43:04
god!! that was extremely lucky!
glad hes ok!
im always checking cass's faun :) got out of bed the other night just to check cz i had changed her water and couldnt remember if it was sealed tightly shut lol
paulie78 Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:34:31
Im so bloody lucky really cause one sniff of an escaped snakey and my neighbours woulda been straight on phone to council urgh also lucky my cats are about as predatory as a tortoise on tranquilisers needless to say think is hall be devloping a bit of ocd now with regards to checking the locks and glass on the vivs!
ScalySituation Posted - 30/06/2012 : 12:26:34
OMG! must have been a real freak out!

Glad hes safe and sound

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