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 Ok ive buckled again !!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulie78 Posted - 25/02/2012 : 22:13:11

Sighs i can almost hear the giggles lol you all knew it wouldnt be long! well tonight i may have buckled and bought a new corn lol i tried soooo hard to sleep on it but for the price i just couldnt say no lol
sometime this week ill be picking her up my breeder friend is a bit of a technophobe so i dont have any pics and wont be able to get any till i pick her up shes only about ten grams atm and is a lil female ghost motley so i shall keep you all posted lol
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
smart bunny Posted - 28/02/2012 : 16:39:57
What, I mean I know I TOLD YOU SO, but seriously, ALREADY???!!!!

LOL!!! She sounds gorgeous, is she there yet?

I think I am being so incredibly good waiting for my stripe (hopefully from Manda's next clutch) which I'm not expecting until the summer!! I keep cooing over the snow hatchling in our local pet shop, but fortunately snows are one of the few morphs I'm not so keen on. This is sooooo lucky because I am STILL tempted by the cute little thing every time I go in, if it was anything else it would be here already rofl!
paulie78 Posted - 27/02/2012 : 20:06:57
lol thanks guys my breeders being mean hes a technophobe and doesnt even have a camera phone so i cant get a pic i asked him to borrow his wifes phone so i could get a piccy just to settle my curiosity lol he text me back saying nah sorry shes out mate but.."shes a lil cracker" i swear im not gonna sleep tonight !!
HannahB Posted - 27/02/2012 : 18:44:19
congrats - look forwards to seeing pics
Mort13 Posted - 27/02/2012 : 18:05:58
Lol,you are weak!! Be strong like what I am!
Can't wait to see her,ghost motleys are gorgeous.
garrie Posted - 27/02/2012 : 16:52:53
Resistance is futile
Blackcat Posted - 27/02/2012 : 14:21:26
Congrats on your new snake, not long now until you can collect.
Photos are a must.
paulie78 Posted - 27/02/2012 : 00:09:32
Ive been toying with Ofelia (from pans labyrinth) but if anyone has any better suggestions im happy to consider them lol
Hissyfit Posted - 26/02/2012 : 20:35:05
Bet you can't wait! So exciting
ScalySituation Posted - 26/02/2012 : 19:47:26
yay :)

Any name ideas?

Someone off the Addams family maybe lol
paulie78 Posted - 26/02/2012 : 19:45:02
Picking her up tuesday woop woop
ScalySituation Posted - 26/02/2012 : 18:45:57
aww :)

Dancross0 Posted - 26/02/2012 : 18:43:07
Ghost motleys are awesome!
danny Posted - 26/02/2012 : 17:45:03
Blimey thought i was bad :)
Mamma Posted - 26/02/2012 : 14:11:23
cant wait to see pics! Ghost motleys are delicious
SamanthaDean Posted - 26/02/2012 : 01:47:43
Aww can't wait to see pics!
paulie78 Posted - 25/02/2012 : 23:02:43
Originally posted by Okeetee Mick

Well done, 6 7 8 9, who's counting?

I dont really care about the amount i have its making sure i have time and money enough for all of them i do not want to favour any over others but its geting to the point now where people say how many snakes have you got again and i say erm a few (most people ive stopped telling once i hit 4 pmsl)
Okeetee Mick Posted - 25/02/2012 : 23:01:05
Well done, 6 7 8 9, who's counting?
paulie78 Posted - 25/02/2012 : 22:42:43
Originally posted by nusnakemum

ha ha - 7 is a good number, though for how long .......................................

im soo not even going there lmao
nusnakemum Posted - 25/02/2012 : 22:33:34
ha ha - 7 is a good number, though for how long .......................................

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