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 Rocky back ground thingy ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newbie 105 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 18:23:46
Whats that rocky polystyrine thing every one has ? How much would it cost and any links to the site any one ?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MacSpud Posted - 22/02/2011 : 00:25:17

Mine came with the viv but as mentioned they can be bought separately from Triple 8 Reptile (where I bought my viv)



btw My snake hasn't bothered pushing behind it though he used to climb the face when he was smaller
kdlang Posted - 21/02/2011 : 21:44:46
I bought one to go in Izzy's viv but I had the same problem. He used to push himself behind it and I wouldn't see him for days until i had to strip his viv to get him out. It was more hassle than it was worth. I bought mine online but I can't remember where from
Katie.Dublin Posted - 21/02/2011 : 20:15:40
I got took mine out and put it behind the viv instead. Its broken in half now but that's a different story! I hated mine. The snake kept going behind it and like louise said, pushing it forward. I don't think they're expensive, and they can be cut down to any size or shape. Exo-terra make them
Invalid User Posted - 21/02/2011 : 18:36:11
Oh yeah, sorry forgot to add that, yes the one I have is an exoterra rock wall so look online for that and you should find some stockists :)
herriotfan Posted - 21/02/2011 : 18:32:34
It might be the exoterra background for their terrariums. If so, you can buy it seperately.
Invalid User Posted - 21/02/2011 : 18:31:13
I have one that came with the tank my new snake came in but I have removed it as the snake kept going behind it and pushing it forwards!

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