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 What is a striking pose?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
testdasi Posted - 18/02/2011 : 23:37:12
Does anyone have a pic of striking pose? Just curious what it looks like.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jennet Posted - 19/02/2011 : 16:38:36
Kehhlyr with lipstick and heels on, his left hand on his hip and his right giving a little flutter
Sta~ple Posted - 19/02/2011 : 15:54:19
Daawww they want a kissy!
tehbunneh Posted - 19/02/2011 : 15:44:42
Originally posted by lrv2307

aawww K, im sure he wasnt, but hell of a pose though

Teh, has widget settled back in now after his adventures round your house lol

Yes he has thank goodness! He has started the habit of rattling his tail when I go in for him, but he's calmed down again, and seems pretty happy once more, which is a relief ^^
lotabob Posted - 19/02/2011 : 14:53:47
I think its such a brilliant and distinct stanse. It just screams back off or I'll 'ave you!

(The first answer that popped in my head to the question was BLUE STEEL).
Spreebok Posted - 19/02/2011 : 13:29:05
Hehe, I had this from Lister when the Cat sniffed him! Lucky I recognised it instantly, and pulled him back just as he struck out, his head basically stayed in the exact same place whilst his body zoomed back xD Cat didn't give a monkeys and just walked off xD

Your looking for a sudden draw back of the head and neck into a tight 'S' shape, once you see it, you'll definatly know it xD
eeji Posted - 19/02/2011 : 13:26:23
heres a few of my grumpy corns....

lrv2307 Posted - 19/02/2011 : 07:51:52
aawww K, im sure he wasnt, but hell of a pose though

Teh, has widget settled back in now after his adventures round your house lol
Kehhlyr Posted - 19/02/2011 : 00:34:15
Bah, that's not a striking pose.
THIS is a striking pose:

The poor corn was not happy with me when I was taking this photo.
tehbunneh Posted - 19/02/2011 : 00:05:22
Boa'tata does a fantastic strike and constrict on his meals, but I've not yet managed to get the moment he does it. Widget is the only one that bites me x.x
LukeW10 Posted - 18/02/2011 : 23:54:31

similer to mine...struck at me just after the pic was taken and it is very fast..:P
love how big and hard they think they are :)
tehbunneh Posted - 18/02/2011 : 23:52:36
I do, in one of my threads of photos. Both these images are Widget:

He struck me within minutes of me taking this.

He bit me, just after this XDD

It doesn't hurt when they're this size, but jeeze, you don't even SEE them move! They're just POW!

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