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 royals and corns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1982ltrav Posted - 16/02/2011 : 23:28:10
will our new royal need to be living in a seperate room to our 2 corns for any period of time, it will have its settling in period. also if feeding on same day who to feed first. sure i read on here a while ago that someone got tagged by a royal after feeding a corn.
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lotabob Posted - 18/02/2011 : 20:55:20
I can agree with and confirm Gmac. I got a royal on the 13th Jan and only started handling this Tuesday. You don't wait 7 days before handling you wait until it has fed three times in sucsession before handling, so it could be three weeks +48 hours or it could be longer, all depends how quickly your royal starts to eat.
gmac Posted - 18/02/2011 : 20:49:06
royals are not the same keeping methods as corns, I would not handle your royal until it has had a few consecutive feeds, so it is most likely be more than a few weeks before you can handle it.
1982ltrav Posted - 18/02/2011 : 18:39:35
just out of interest the new royal will come with the viv he's been in for 2 years, should we still give his 7 days settling in.
gmac Posted - 17/02/2011 : 00:05:14
yes seperate rooms, it makes sure that there are no diseases,mites or anything else that can be transferred to your other snakes. Is up to you if you want to take he risk though.

sometimes just washing your hands isn't enough. Unless you know and trust the person you got the snake from, even then i still would quarantine

I have never been bitten by my royals after feeding my other snakes
1982ltrav Posted - 16/02/2011 : 23:57:01
i would have thought so as well. am sure the post i was reading blamed the scent of the corns and their food on the reason they were tagged picking up the royal for its feed. much rather it be the other way round and get tagged by the corn. why so long for quarantine. guessing by that you mean seperate rooms.
lotabob Posted - 16/02/2011 : 23:53:51
I brought my Royal into the same room but I am OCD about washing my hands before and after handling each snake. If you smell of food your more likely to get tagged but thoroughly washed hands just smell of soap and anti bacterial gel.

There is a chance of mites travelling to your other snakes if the new snake is infected. But if it is infected it is very likely to infect them all irrelevant of where you locate them unless you strip, burn the clothes, and shower each time you handled the infected snake. Probably still wouldn't be enough to stop them.
gmac Posted - 16/02/2011 : 23:50:27
I would keep it quarantined for 3 months just to be sure nothing nasty is lurking. On feeding day i feed the royals last, but there is no reason to its just the way the rubs are situated.

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